A Brookfield firefighter shows off his ride for a young visitor at Safety Saturday.
Along with our Shredding Day document collection, our Brookfield Square branch held a Safety Saturday event on May 5.

Kids visit with Security Services Rep Tyesha Thames, Receptionist Nancy Hanson, and Mailroom Supervisor Colleen Moore and her daughter Ashley, who helped them decorate coin banks to take home.
The event featured a visit from Brookfield firefighters, who brought along a fire truck for young attendees to explore and shared fire safety tips. The Elmbrook Humane Society brought animals to see and touch, and offered tips on pet safety. Security Services Rep Tyesha Thames told visitors how to protect against identity theft and keep financial information safe. News website Patch covered the event.

VP Sue Doyle and SB Ryan Hawkins (as Seymour) greet visitors on Safety Saturday at Brookfield.
Branch Manager Margie Brusa sent a thank you to all the employees who helped out with Shredding Day and Safety Saturday:
A special thank you to all the Shred Day helpers! Although the weather could have been a bit warmer, everyone did a great job keeping a smile on their face, which warmed everyone’s spirits. That the day went off without a hitch is a tribute to your outstanding cooperation. Thank you for volunteering to help make North Shore Bank known as a community-focused bank.