Our corporate location just installed a bike rack.
In honor of National Bike Month, this week’s “Shape Up, Keep Up & Weight Away” challenge is bicycling. Employees should log the time they spend biking and their miles biked, and email Lynn Jack the totals by Monday, May 21. Participants can win a $50 gift certificate to a bike shop in Wauwatosa.
Check out some handy bicycle safety tips here. Wisconsin riders can bone up on biking rules here; Illinois cyclists can find information on laws here.
We have 171 employees participating in this year’s wellness challenge. Great work, all of you! Lynn says: “I’m so impressed with how employees are stepping up to improve their health.” If you need help or just want some one-on-one encouragement, Lynn invites you to email her or call her directly at 262.797.3346.
If you’re interested in being part of a weekly wellness post, please email us at shorelines@northshorebank.com, or just leave a comment on this post and Josh will contact you. Thanks so much, and keep up the healthy work!
that is one lonely looking bike rack! I’ll have to leave my bike there instead of my office now.