CSR Lacee Kalepp’s daughters Chloe and Josilyn hoist their flags aloft on our float in the Flag Day parade.
Our Northland Appleton branch showed support for the U.S. military with a float in the city’s Flag Day parade on June 9. VP Steve Arps, BCSM Krissy Bowe, DM Kerri Collins, CSR Lacee Kalepp and CSR Kathryn Lipscomb walked in the parade. They were joined by Steve’s son Aaron and a friend, and Lacee’s husband, Marty, and her daughters Josilyn and Chloe.

CSR Kathryn Lipscomb smiles for the camera as she walks in the parade, next to Lacee’s husband, Marty.

Our float paid tribute to American service members with traditional red, white and blue imagery.
Thanks to Krissy, Katie, Lacee, Kerri, & Steve for doing such a nice job representing NSB in our community!
Nice float! Who made it and how did you know how to construct it?!
As the wife of a retired Navy Chief it gives me a sense of pride to see my company salute and support our Troops. What a beautiful float. Thank you. It means so much.
You people should be so proud of that float! It is one of the best floats I have seen in a long time. I’m sure it meant alot to the local Vets and their families. Be proud of that.