North Shore Bank and Illinois State Bank are known for their practice of promoting from within. Here are recent promotions:
Katie Bauer, Service Banker
Jennelle Bettinger, Financial Center Manager
Kurri Cecchini, Branch Operations Service Manager
Stephanie Hallgren, Branch Operations Coordinator
Bertha Huerta, Debit Card Risk Specialist
Vince Muntner, Branch Client Service Manager
Rebecca Ninneman, Service Banker
Stacey Sabel, Special Applications Rep
Nichole Sargent, Branch Client Service Manager
Keith Springer, Senior Infrastructure Specialist
Peggy Winchell, Mortgage Loan Underwriter Team Leader

Katie Bauer

Jenelle Bettinger

Kurri Cecchini

Stephanie Hallgren

Bertha Huerta

Vince Muntner

Rebecca Ninneman

Stacey Sabel

Nichole Sargent

Keith Springer

Peggy Winchell
Congrats Peggy !!!!! I’m so very happy for you.
Jenelle – this is a tribute to your great leadership skills. Congratulations!
Congratulations to all of you on your promotions.
Great job, Katie!
Congratulations, everyone! (and a special shout out to Ms. Becky Ninneman) :-)
Yay, Stephanie!! Welcome to Southwest.
Congratulations to all on your very well deserved promotions! You are all great employees and I look forward to sharing in your future successes!
Congratulations to everyone on their promotions! Special shout outs to Jennelle, Vince, Niki and Becky (Go Southridge and Franklin!)
Congrats to everyone!
Congratulations to all on the well deserved promotions!
Promoting great talent from within — it’s the North Shore Bank way. Congratulations to each of you on your promotions. You worked for it and you deserved it. High five!
Congratulations to each of you. Your promotion is well deserved. Best wishes in your new role.