Here’s an easy way to improve your workday, courtesy of Commercial Loan Specialist Priscilla Hartling:
My energy boosting tip is simple: Drink water! If I stay hydrated, I find that I am more focused and can get through the day.
And more solid advice from Shorewood PB Jennifer Mantooth:
I live and rely on my daily to-do list. I can quickly look it over in the morning before the door opens and check for any “frogs” so I can take care of them first. This helps me feel more in control of the day. (“Frogs” are the worst thing on your list. Everyone dislikes doing things that are difficult, such as calling a client because they were denied a loan, so you suck it up and make that your first call of the day. Then everything else for the rest of the day is better than that, if all goes well. I used to call it “ripping the Band-Aid off.” The quicker it’s done, the better you will feel.)
I also like to park down by the lake at lunch and read or walk. It’s sort of my Zen time and helps to restore me for the remainder of the workday.
Previously: Stretch your legs and track customer names