Mistine Thomson feels guilty about volunteering

Mistine Thomson prepares a casserole to put in her freezer to be ready on a moment’s notice when a family in her community has a need. She keeps a plentiful, ready stock of grocery items to draw from so that she’s always prepared to lend a helping hand.

Pulaski Branch Manager Mistine Thomson gets so much satisfaction and joy from helping people, she often feels guilty.

“Sometimes I truly feel selfish,” she says. “I just love the pay-back, the responses. When I see a smile on someone’s face because I donate time, effort, food or money, it makes me so happy. That’s why I do it.”

Mistine’s volunteer spirit germinated in high school, when she would stop at a nursing home after classes to chat with residents and take them treats. Those early practices have blossomed into a lifestyle with volunteerism at its core.

She was a religious educator at her church for 10 years and a 4-H leader for 16 years when her daughter was growing up. Today, she spreads her time and effort — and joy — by helping a variety of organizations, depending on the need. “I feel as though I am able to touch more people and causes this way,” she says.

Local charity heads list
One of Mistine’s favorite charities, PACE — Pulaski Area Community Education — strives to make Pulaski’s public schools a local resource that serves all community residents. PACE operates a food pantry, supports and enriches the lives of senior citizens, and sponsors a wide range of classes for children and adults.

“I volunteer with PACE because I like that it helps people right here in Pulaski, and I appreciate the causes it supports,” she says. She has taken part in food drives, school supply collections and toy drives.

Numerous other community organizations benefit from Mistine’s involvement, and she credits her staff for signing on as well. “When one of us decides to help, it’s infectious; everyone jumps in to support each other,” she says.

For example, this spring the Pulaski branch partnered with the insurance organization Catholic Financial Life Chapter 299 to donate more than 150 items to the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin cardiac intensive care unit. A customer with a grandchild patient there had commented that there were lots of donations for the pediatric cancer unit, but little or nothing for the cardiac unit.

Pulaski staff made quilts, fleece blankets and hats for the little ones, and they collected or purchased travel-size toiletries for adults who found themselves unexpectedly having to spend the night at the hospital. No items came from branch customers; this was a staff-only effort.

“The back of a Dodge Durango was jam-packed,” Mistine says. “The hospital had enough quilts for every child, plus a closetful for future use.”

Home ‘gift closet’ always stocked and ready
And speaking of closets, Mistine is so committed to lending a hand that she stocks what she calls a special “gift closet” at home. She picks up kitchen items on sale, tote bags, baby items, toys, flashlights, screwdriver sets, and she fashions handmade quilts in a variety of sizes, all to be ready at a moment’s notice when there is a need.

She and her daughter, Kayla, who is 23, meet for cooking marathons, preparing casseroles and bread dough that go into the freezer. “Everything is made from scratch, and I am constantly making something so that if I hear of anyone in need, I am prepared,” she says.

The most challenging aspect to Mistine’s full volunteer schedule? Time, of course. She and her husband, Kevin, have horses, dogs and cats as well as a home and property to care for. “If I believe in a charity, I am willing to make sacrifices in my personal life,” she says. “If I can make a difference for just one person, even in the smallest way, maybe they will be able to pay it forward at some point.”

Volunteer opportunities abound
Mistine contributes time and treasure to the March of Dimes, Knights of Columbus, Pulaski Chamber of Commerce, Pulaski Fire Relief, Polka Days, Pulaski Historical Society, Pulaski United Foundation, and the local Veterans of Foreign Wars chapter and Lions Club. And that may not be a complete list.

Although her motive for volunteering is not connected to her role at North Shore, “People notice what you do and appreciate it,” Mistine says. “If you talk about North Shore Bank, they stop and listen. It is a positive reflection on an organization when the employees are willing to spend personal time getting involved in their community.”

5 comments on “Mistine Thomson feels guilty about volunteering

  1. Coral Jordan

    Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Mistine, you are the epitome of this Beatitude. You are rich in spirit and others are blessed for it.

  2. Sue Doyle

    Mistine, the bank and your community is fortunate to have you as a member. Your story is inspiring.

  3. Tricia Cravillion

    Mistine, a bit THANK YOU from all that have benefited and will benefit from your generosity. Tricia

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