Two winter holiday traditions today. The first, from Commercial Loan Specialist Priscilla Hartling:
Every Christmas Eve we go out for dinner at a restaurant we have not tried yet or at one that may be new in the area. It’s nice because it usually is not too crowded and we can sit, chat, catch up and have a nice, relaxing dinner together. After dinner, we head downtown and look at the holiday lights display in three different parts of downtown Milwaukee.
And from Shorewood PB Jennifer Mantooth:
We have family scattered across many states, so we generally stay home for the holidays. Every Christmas Eve, we attend midnight service, but we don’t open any presents until the next morning (our daughter created this rule). We relax and enjoy the day as it comes, eating a midday dinner and sometimes going to the movies if there is anything we all want to see. Then of course we eat again later on … it’s just the best day.
Previously: Arguing over the Advent calendar