Kerri Collins
The Retail Banking department hosted 2012 wrap-up rallies on Oct. 23 and 24 to honor our Stars of the Year. Excited members of our branches gathered to celebrate their achievements for the year to date and to recognize top performers.
Here are the award winners for 2012. Congratulations, everyone!
District Manager of the Year
Kerri Collins (Green Bay Fox Cities)
Branch Relationship Manager of the Year
Cheri-Cicona Trudell
Manager of the Year (Platinum)
Central: Candida Walecki, Sussex
Northeast: Mistine Thomson, Pulaski
South: Joline Hendren, Oak Creek
Branch of the Year
Central: Sussex
Northeast: Green Bay East
South: Oak Creek
Runner-Up, Branch of the Year
Central: Brookfield Capitol
Northeast: Pulaski
South: Jackson Park/Forest Home
Branch Client Services Manager of the Year (Sales)
Krissy Bowe, Northland
Branch Operations Coordinator of the Year
Central: Carmen Maurer, Sussex
Northeast: Karen Jach, Pulaski
South: Michelle Miller, Union Grove
Personal Banker of the Year
Central: Sandy Conrady, Sussex, and Lynn Fehr, Wauwatosa
Northeast: April Stevenson, Pulaski
South: Senka Shkreli, Oak Creek
Service Banker of the Year
Central: Christopher Tolbert, East
Northeast: Brittney Bystol, Pulaski
South: Lizeth Cabral, Jackson Park
CSRs of the Year
Rema Kunnath, Brookfield Capitol
Sara Rivas, Fox Point
Erika Smith, Sussex
Jill Conklin, Green Bay East
Gina Tassoul, Green Bay East
Katie Walters, Pulaski
Marie Hamilton, Oak Creek
Sue Koch, Southwest
Yamilka Lopez, Oak Creek

Sandy Conrady, Carmen Mauer, Erika Smith, Central Branch Manager of the Year Candy Walecki, Kelly Jo Gabrus and Jennifer Wesenberg of our Sussex branch celebrate being named Central Region Branch of the Year.

Kelly Culver, Kristine Brunson, Lisa Sment, Gina Tassoul, Jill Conklin and Karen Wilcox of our Green Bay East branch proudly display their trophy for Northeast Branch of the Year.

Jay Guzzetta, Senka Shkreli, South Branch Manager of the Year Joline Hendren, Marie Hamilton and Yamilka Lopez of our Oak Creek branch took home the South Region Branch of the Year award.
Congratulations everyone!!! All your hard work and dedication paid off!!! So happy for all of you!!!
Congratulations to all!