We’re seeking volunteers for Junior Achievement, a group that helps K-12 students prepare to enter the workforce. Volunteers will visit classrooms and talk to students about starting and running a business, managing finances and presenting a professional appearance.
In particular, JA currently needs a Spanish-speaking volunteer to present to a classroom in Waukesha. If you are fluent in Spanish and can help out, you’d be doing a great service for these kids and the community.
Accounting Supervisor Jennifer Rampolla just signed up for another round of volunteering with JA. Last week, she talked to a group of second-graders about their community and led them in a project making paper “doughnuts.” “I just like that they’re so enthusiastic about learning,” she says.
That session only lasted about 30 minutes and required about an hour of prep time, Jennifer says. “I just want to make sure I know what I’m talking about because the kids are very inquisitive.”
You can find out more about JA at www.jawis.org. For more information or to sign up, email Lynn Jack today at ljack@northshorebank.com or call her at (262) 797-3346.