Our Northside and Westgate branches participated in Racine’s second annual Mustache Bash, an event to raise awareness of prostate cancer. Each branch’s staff wore mustaches on two special days and created either a “Wall of ’Staches” or a “Mustache Tree.” The event raised more than $9,000 for the Health Care Network of Racine.

CSR Emily Ross and PB Katie Smith pose beside the “Mustache Tree” at Northside.

Northside and Westgate Branch Manager Sara Luther Hagerman makes time for a photo with Racine Mayor John Dickert at the Mustache Bash fundraiser.

Westgate PB Rani Thomas shows off her ’stache.

Westgate BOSM Chris Reed grew his mustache himself. (No, he didn’t.)
You know Rani, you may be taking too many prenatal vitamins when you start growing a ‘stache!!! You look good, I wouldn’t shave a thing!! :-)
These photos are great. Thanks for supporting this terrific community event.
yep Rani, definately a boy!