Amy Haight
If you were to ride home from work with Amy Haight, you’d be treated to a reverberating karaoke performance. “I sometimes take the long way home just to sing my heart out,” Amy says. She loves ’80s rock and roll; Def Leppard is one of her favorite bands.
In fact, Amy is interested in multiple aspects of the entertainment field. She hopes to complete her double major in communication and film at Kenosha’s UW-Parkside in December 2014 — her practice of taking 15–18 credits a semester should get her there — and continue with graduate studies in film history at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. She loved studying American history in high school. “I’d like to teach film history some day,” she says.
With her heavy academic load, Amy’s part-time CSR position at our Regency branch is perfect. She had worked at Bed Bath & Beyond with now-Regency CSR Julie Davies, but the hours didn’t mesh well with her school schedule. Julie encouraged Amy to try NSB. “I interviewed for a CSR position at the Kenosha branch,” she says, “but ended up interviewing again for a position at Westgate. I started there, then transferred to Regency in early September.”
Other jobs — at Hansen’s Pool and Spa in Kenosha and babysitting for family and friends — have contributed to the way she relates to customers.
“Hansen’s was a busy environment. I learned how to work efficiently and how important it was to acknowledge customers, even if I couldn’t help them right away,” she says.
She babysat during high-school summers for family friends. “I learned how to adhere to a schedule, driving three children back and forth to activities.”
Two summers ago, Amy’s sister had a baby. Amy cared for her niece, Hadyn, when her sister went back to work. She relates how the experience prepared her for working in a bank: “I learned how to handle someone who doesn’t know what they want and can’t always clearly communicate their needs. I was patient with Hadyn as I tried to figure out how I could help. It was some of the best problem-solving training I could have had.”
After seven months with North Shore Bank, Amy says she still is working on learning all of the products there are to offer. “But I love my customers!” she exclaims. “The customers here treat you like a friend or part of the family. It is a big difference from customer interactions I’ve had at other jobs.”
When she does on occasion encounter a customer having a bad day, she tries to make it better by providing great service.
Considering her academic interests, it’s not surprising that Amy spends her limited leisure time watching movies, often with her boyfriend, Josh. Family, including special little Hadyn, now 2, claim the rest of her time.
That’s right I stole you!! haha