We’re looking for people to join Weight Watchers!

You’re invited to a Weight Watchers open house on Friday, April 26 — that would be tomorrow — at 11 a.m. at our Corporate headquarters.

WW_NewLogo_620If 20 people sign up for the upcoming session, we’ll get 17 weeks for $186 per person. A typical Weight Watchers session lasts 12 weeks and costs $156 per person — so that’s only $30 extra for five more weeks! So if you’re considering signing up, this is a great opportunity to save yourself and your co-workers a chunk of money. Plus, you can take advantage of payroll installment deductions.

The Weight Watchers special 17-week session includes 1 free meeting and 19 weeks of free e-tools. A great value!

Attend Friday’s open house to learn more. Everyone who attends will receive a free copy of Weight Watchers magazine, and every NEW member will receive a free Weight Watchers cookbook!

“It’s a wonderful program,” says Research & Special Payments Specialist Sharon Link. “Susie is the best leader ever, and having it at work makes it so much easier.”

Here are the details on tomorrow’s open house:

What: Weight Watchers informational open house – you’ll enjoy fruit and veggies with dip and free samples of other Weight Watchers foods
Where: Lower Level Conference Room B
When: 11 a.m. on Friday, April 26

BONUS! Remember, anybody who comes to the open house meeting will receive a FREE copy of Weight Watchers magazine (a $5 value), and each NEW member that registers for the next series will get a FREE cookbook (a $10 value).

So, why join us? Because it works! Check out these testimonials from some of the 16 employees who’ve been participating in the program, who have lost a total 207.8 pounds this session:

Melissa Gaido
Nancy Hanson
Priscilla Hartling
Kate Knox
Colleen Moore
Monica Ulatt

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