Sharon Link
The day Sharon Link walked into our Brookfield headquarters was one of the worst — and one of the best — in her life.
After 25 years at Marquette Savings and Loan, Sharon learned in 2000 that it was going to become part of North Shore Bank. “I didn’t know if I was going to have a job, and if I did, what my position was going to be.”
“I stood in the doorway,” she remembers, “unsure where to go and not knowing anyone. Employees were arriving, and no one spoke to me. Then Barb Thompson from Accounting came over and introduced herself and took me to Jan Konkol’s office. I will be forever grateful to Barb. She was my savior that difficult day.”
Customer Support Center was home for 12-plus years
Sharon will retire on June 7, and she reflects with fondness on her 37½ years in banking, first at Marquette and then at North Shore. “I started as a part-time teller at Marquette and moved to full-time teller when we closed Final Touch, our plaster accent business that served hobbyists who decorated plaster molds. Over the years, I held positions as branch manager at the Greenfield office and assistant secretary at West Allis.” She also served as IRA manager and security officer at Marquette.
Since coming to North Shore, Sharon has worked exclusively in the Customer Support Center. Her title, research and special payments specialist, only hints at her scope of responsibilities.
She delves into bank records to be sure information such as name, Social Security number and address are consistent across accounts and locations. And she manages the bank’s safe deposit program — we have safe deposit boxes in 24 locations — keeping the profiles “clean,” monitoring name and address changes as generations evolve, and overseeing billings.
Sharon remembers an 8 percent interest rate yield prediction for IRAs and a whopping 15 percent for CDs — “Wouldn’t that be exciting today?” she says — and marvels at all of the financial products that have emerged.
She can still picture some tellers having to climb on a small box to read the entries on paper rolls the huge old Burroughs machines spit out. She also remembers customers who brought in stock coupons to redeem that were cut from original stock certificates. “They were so pretty — very fancy, with elegant engraving.”
Although Sharon proclaims, “I truly LOVE this industry,” working with the public was a highlight. “My only regret about being in the Customer Support Center is that I truly miss the special relationships I developed with Marquette customers.”
But she has made plenty of friendships with colleagues as well. “I have worked with so many wonderful people over the years, and all have touched my life in a special way.”
Sharon encourages newcomers to consider making banking their lifetime profession. “Learn all you can, be observant of details, and enjoy your customers, both internal and external. You will try harder to master all the aspects of the business if you are committed to staying.”
Travel will define her future
Starting in June, Sharon will join her husband, Wayne, who retired 19 years ago, in a life of travel. They will spend next winter in Biloxi, Miss., and they look forward to Christmas in Colorado with son Daniel and his wife. “Daniel spent 20 years in the Army, so we have spent few Christmases with him since he was 19,” Sharon says.
Summers will find the Links at Riverbend Campground in Watertown. “We won’t have to worry about driving home on Sunday night any more,” she says.
“I will miss Sharon’s amusing anecdotes about Wayne and their exciting vacations, and of course stories about the campground,” says Research and Special Payments Supervisor Natalie Canadeo. “Mostly, I want to thank Sharon for her many contributions. We all will miss her constant smile, outstanding organizational skills and positive attitude.”
Sharon-Happy Retirement to you! It has always been a pleasure to work with you and you will be missed. Enjoy your retirement. Kerri Collins
It has been a sincere pleasure to work with you! I wish you the best and hope that you enjoy every minute of retirement.
Sharon – Thank you for all that you have contributed to the bank during your long relationship with us. I truly enjoyed working with you. You always make me smile.
Sharon, Best Wishes on a happy retirement. Thank you for providing solid support to the branch network over the past few years.
Sharon, enjoy your retirement! You will be missed.
Sharon, you have been a pleasure to work with! Always pleasant and smiling, loved that.
I won’t be calling you anymore for those legal documents, lol!
I hope for nothing but the best for you in your retirement. Enjoy life!
You will be GREATLY missed!!!!!! Enjoy your retirement.
It’s been a great pleasure dealing with you over the years- I will sure miss you! I wish you and Wayne a very happy retirement and a long, happy life. Don’t forget to stop in (or drop me an email) once in a while, just to make sure I’m not in trouble :) Congratulations!
Wow, what an accomplishment! I hope you enjoy retirement! You deserve it.
Sounds like you have a lot of adventures planned, now that you have time to enjoy them. Stay well and have fun! It has been a pleasure working with you!
Sharon – I have always appreciated your knowledge and your humor! You will be missed. Best wishes to you!
Happy retirement! I hope you and Wayne the best on your travels. I will miss hearing about all your trips and all your naughty(goody) eating!
Sharon, I hope you enjoy your retirement! Well deserved!
Congratulations Sharon! You will truly be missed! Thank you for your wonderful support! Enjoy your retirement and happy travels!!!
So happy for you! Congrats Sharon, enjoy your family!
Congratulations Sharon!
I have enjoyed working with you throughout my time at NSB. You have been so patient and helpful. Your retirement is well deserved – Enjoy travel and family!!!!!
Enjoy retirement Sharon! Seems like you will with all of those plans! Who knows, maybe I’ll run into you again up at Island Resort & Casino!
You will be missed!
Congratulations, Sharon. I join everyone else in wishing you only the best in retirement. Thanks for the many years of service!
Sharon it was a pleasure working with you, thanks for helping me straighten Southwest’s SDB’s. That was a big project and you helped me in every step. Thank you, and enojoy retirement and your family! =) You will be missed! =/
Congratulations, Sharon on your upcoming retirement:) – but what a void that will leave here:(. I remember over 26 years ago when I started at Marquette Savings Bank & getting to know you. I remember thinking how knowledgeable & helpfull you were whenever I needed help with something. And to top it off, I admired your pretty red hair & freckles plus humorous personality. I haven’t had a lot of occasions to interact with you in later years but have looked forward to every time. Will miss the visits for the yearly Safe Deposit updates. Hope you & Wayne have lots of fun traveling & visiting family.
Congratulation Sharon! It has been a pleasure working with you (over the phone). I would say take some time to relax now, but so many retirees say they have never been busier. Enjoy your time with your family and have fun!
Best Wishes Sharon and Congratulations! I enjoyed getting to know you when you came to Customer Support. You are always positive and cheerful. I will miss you. You are a wonderful person and I wish you and Wayne many happy, healthy years of retirement! Maybe we’ll see you at a St Florian fish fry….
Sharon I’am so happy for you . Enjoy yourself . and your family. .
It’s been nice working with you. Congratulations on your retirement! It will be nice to take the time to do what you want to do!
Sharon, Say it ain’t so! I’ll certainly miss your gentle email reminders to add “00” to checking account numbers when setting up auto-pay! Now that you’re leaving, I better remember because your replacement might not be as kind as you. You will certainly be missed. Enjoy every minute of your well deserved retirement!
Sharon, I will be putting you on our mailings for the Ns travel program! Enjoy every minute of retirement, let the dishes and dust take care of itself and travel, have fun and don’t look back!
i Ially enjoyed talking to you over the years, you were always patient, funny and never heard a cross word out of your mouth! You will be greatly missed by all!
Congratulations Sharon on your retirement. It has been a pleasure working with you all these years. You will be missed. Happy Travels to you and Wayne!!
Thanks for all your support with wellness!