Westgate’s Cranley discusses losing 60 pounds since August

Jessica before she lost 60 pounds (left) and after.

The North Shore Shape Up 2014 Weight Loss Challenge is up and running! While the challenge is going, Shorelines wants to bring you stories of bank employees who’ve lost weight and improved their health. If you have a story you want to share — or know someone who does — email shorelines@northshorebank.com.

This week, Westgate Teller Jessica Cranley talks about how she has lost 60 pounds since August working with Racine’s Medical WeightLoss & Wellness clinics.

What was your motivation in joining Medical WeightLoss and Wellness and sticking to the program? Why was losing weight so important to you?

I was out of breath doing simple tasks (walking upstairs, walking my daughter across the street to school), and I was tired all the time. I had a doctor’s appointment, and they took my weight, and it was higher than when I had my son 20 years ago. I have struggled all my life with being overweight, and I think that is what really hit home. I have tried a million different pills and potions, but nothing really helped or fixed the issue. I have a 6-year-old daughter at home and I really need to be here for her.

What changes did you make that worked?

My thinking process, first of all. I know what I can and cannot have that might trigger me into eating something I really shouldn’t. I have totally changed how and what I eat. I have cut down the carbs I eat, and I drink a lot of water and cut out most of my soda intake. I eat a high-protein diet. As I was something of a “carboholic,” it was really hard at first” — I had sweets every day, and it was escalating into a very hard habit for me to break.

What was the hardest part of losing the weight?

I had to cut out most of the things I was so used to having every day. I really have to think about what I put in my mouth and decide if it’s really worth going back to the way it was. I know I am in a much better and healthier place now that I am feeling better.

What was the easiest part?

It’s not easy, but I know I am healthier now than I have ever been. I guess I feel so much better, and that part makes it easier. For me, the more important part is about being healthy!

How do you feel about your weight now? Would you like to lose more?

I feel really good. It’s a healthy weight for my age, and I would just like to maintain how I am for a lifetime. I am feeling good about myself, so that reflects on everything else in my life!

What has been the most exciting part of losing 60 pounds?

I have achieved a goal I thought I was never going to be able to achieve. I just want to encourage anyone who really wants to do something, no matter what it is, to stick to it. Eventually, things will fall into place and you will do it for you! Even if you fall back a few steps, don’t beat yourself up. You are worth so much more than that!

11 comments on “Westgate’s Cranley discusses losing 60 pounds since August

  1. Kelly Jo Gabrus

    Great Job! I’m on an intense medical diet myself where I’m temporarily cutting out Fruit, Sugar, Carbs, and Dairy. It’s not easy but I’ve lost 5 inches around my waist in just 4 weeks. You’re right, it feels great and I have no desire to go back to where I was. Keep up the amazing work and enjoy you healthier life style.

  2. Nancy Hanson

    This is amazing Jessica! Being a Weight Watchers member myself, I know how hard this was to accomplish. It sounds like you really have a handle on it though and I’m sure you will continue to eat healthy and encourage others to do the same.

  3. Jan Konkol

    Wow, Jessica.

    You look great! I now have a “new job” after retiring – and that is… getting in shape. You’ve inspired me. I’m sure you’re proud of what you’ve accomplished. We can see from the pictures of your family that they are proud as well. Keep up the great work. Jan

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