Who’s Who: Adam Graf
Personal Banker, Menasha
Adam may not strike you as the kind of guy who hobnobs with celebrities — his colleagues promise he’s no diva — but can anyone else at North Shore Bank say Han Solo has bought them a drink? (Hopefully, at a less sketchy establishment than the Star Wars cantina.) Read about Adam’s encounter with Harrison Ford, and more.
Around the Bank

Northside Teller Jesus Mora (left) and ABMS Katie Presser flank Shayla, Jack (not visible), and the obviously delicious cake.
• Northside holds mini shower for mother-to-be: Teller Supervisor Shayla Noltee starts her maternity leave today, and her coworkers wished her good luck and welcomed imminent baby Jack with some cake on Wednesday. “The branch was a little excited to eat the cake, which is why there is a big piece missing!” Shayla says. She’ll be back in mid-July.

Amy Seays of VOWS and Sussex Teller Kelly Jo Gabrus show off the donations collected at the branch for the Mother’s Day gift bags.
• Sussex helps celebrate single moms: For Mother’s Day, the Volunteer Organization of Women in Sussex collects donated items to put together 100 gift bags for single mothers who likely wouldn’t receive a gift otherwise. As in years past, our Sussex branch served as a drop-off location for donations, which included items like candles, jewelry, bath and body items, and cologne, says Branch Manager Candy Walecki. Once the bags are put together, the Sussex Area Outreach Services Food Pantry distributes them. You can see photos of the bags on VOWS’s Facebook page.
Useful Information
Summer childcare: School is almost out! Your kids are thrilled, but you could be stressing about what to do with them. Aurora Health Care has some tips. Go here, select “Employee” at the left, and log in with username northshorebank. Then choose “Current Issue” under “Focus of the Month.”
North Shore Shape Up: Allergy season is upon us
Spring and summer mean beautiful weather — but the warmer seasons aren’t such a picnic for those who suffer from allergies. If you, a family member, or a friend are dealing with runny noses, watery eyes, and itchiness, check out this PDF of helpful tips from Anthem Health on treatment and prevention of allergy symptoms.

Photo of the Week: Bayshore got a new — brand-new! — customer earlier this month, when Teller Supervisor Beth Wianecki brought in 6-week-old daughter Adalynn to open a Seymour Savings account.
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Protection again fraud and ID theft: You’ve surely heard it before, but it can’t be said enough. Scams, fraud, and identity theft are a serious danger, and often hugely stressful for victims to sort out. The best case is to prevent them before they occur. Share these tips with your customers — you can email them or print them out and make them available at your branch.
Internal Job Postings
Administrative Coordinator – Alternative Investments, Corporate, full time. 40 hours/week. $500 referral bonus. Internal closing date: May 23.
Branch Manager 1, Silver Spring, full time. 40 hours/week. $750 referral bonus. Internal closing date: May 23.
Customer Assistance Representative, CSC-Call Center, full time. 40 hours/week. $400 referral bonus. Internal closing date: May 23.
Universal Banker, Kenosha Main, full time. 40 hours/week. $400 referral bonus. Internal closing date: May 27.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to nsbcareersforyou.silkroad.com and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!
Shorelines is published on Thursdays. We love to hear about your professional milestones and important moments outside of work, too. Send news, questions, story ideas, suggestions, and fun photos to shorelines@northshorebank.com, or share your message using the comment form below.