Around the Bank
• Ruthie McDowell retires. Milwaukee Capitol PB Ruthie McDowell retires this week as the month ends. Ruthie was with North Shore Bank almost 22 years. She is currently on medical leave, and we’re hoping to have a look back on her career here soon. The branch has a celebration planned for Ruthie on June 13.
• NSB sponsors kids’ race. North Shore Bank sponsored the Kids 100-Meter Dash at the Mequon-Thiensville Education Fund’s eighth annual 5K run/walk on May 17 at Homestead High School. The MTEF raises money for the Mequon-Thiensville School District through private donations and grants. “It was a family-oriented event,” says Mequon PB Tiaira Johnson. “It was just a nice time. Parents, teachers, and students participated.”

“It’s a tradition for each state’s members to represent themselves at the awards banquet,” says Stephanie. “We chose red-and-white feather boas in honor of our Wisconsin Badgers.”
• MLO receives award in D.C. Last fall, the Women’s Council of Realtors named Mortgage Loan Originator Stephanie Glowinski-Moeller Member of the Year for the state of Wisconsin. On May 16, Stephanie received her award at the National Association of Realtors convention in Washington, D.C. “I traveled with some amazing real estate professionals from all over Wisconsin. And not only did I have the opportunity to get a private tour of the Capitol, but I also attended several educational sessions on building your business,” Stephanie says. “It was an amazing experience.”
• Regency offering help with finances tomorrow. PB Jose Escobedo, MLO Jim Palis, and Investment Consultant Jeff Pieters will be at the Regency branch tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., helping customers “get their financial ducks in a row.” Share the information with friends and family in the Racine area who might find it helpful. More info here.
Service Anniversaries This Week
“The first day on the job, the person who hired me was too busy to spend much time with me, so he gave me a pack of manuals to read,” says Senior Consumer Credit Analyst Keith Goetter. Obviously, since Keith marks 30 years with the bank on June 1, he figured it out just fine. What does he have to say about his three decades here? “Time flies when you’re having fun!”
ACH/Reconciliation Specialist Nancy Adamski marks 15 years with North Shore Bank on June 1 — sort of. Nancy actually started with the bank in 1979, worked here for about a decade, took 10 years off to raise her kids, and came back. “I’m one of the few old-timers! I think I can name on one hand the people who were here back when I started,” she says. “I stay because North Shore’s a great place to work.”
North Shore Shape Up: Study says walking can seriously improve seniors’ fitness
The New York Times reports on a new study whose findings seem to confirm what scientists have long suspected: Exercise significantly reduces elderly people’s chances of suffering a physical disability. In the past, it’s been difficult to say this, because most studies have just shown that seniors who exercise tend to be more fit and able — it hasn’t been clear whether that’s because exercise substantially improves their health, or because seniors who exercise already tend to be healthy. The new two-and-a-half-year study suggests it’s the former.
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Spring cleaning? It’s the right time of year to clear out the old and start fresh, but all that stuff doesn’t have to go in a landfill. This post from our blog offers tips on recycling everything from electronics to clothing and furniture. If you think a customer might find it handy, send them the link or print it out (and ask them to throw it in the recycling bin when they’re done!).
Internal Job Postings
Teller, Franklin, full time. 40 hours/week. $300 referral bonus. Internal closing date: May 30.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!
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