In February, we asked Shorelines readers to share memories of a favorite vacation. Over the next few weeks, we’ll print their responses here. Today’s comes from Assistant Vice President Cash Management Coordinator Kim Imroth.

Jay made this “Happy Anniversary Kim” banner and got Sammy to sign it during the private concert they attended in Cabo San Lucas.
For our 10th anniversary in March 2007, I surprised my husband, Jay, by taking him on Sammy Hagar’s Cabo Wabo cruise. Jay is a huge Sammy fan, and this was a weeklong cruise with other Sammy Hagar fans. Sammy’s band was aboard the ship, along with his son Aaron. (Sammy doesn’t like boats!) They performed private concerts for us on the ship, and we also had a beach party with the band.
Once we arrived in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Sammy met us at the dock and all 450 of us walked to his Cabo Wabo Cantina, where he put on a private concert for us. Cabo San Lucas is one of our favorite destinations. We were just there in October for Sammy’s Birthday Bash concert, when he turned 66 — he does them annually during his birthday week. Now we can cross that off our bucket list! We also have two dogs, named — what else? Cabo and Sammy!
Now that was one exciting vacation. Kim you scored alot of points with the hubby with that surprise! How awesome!
What an awesome trip! Sammy sounds like a cool guy (I like his music too).
Kim also forgot to mention that friends of ours handed it up to Sammy on stage and he held it up for all to see. Then he signed it and handed it back down. I cut out the part he signed and we framed it and it now hangs in our house along with all our other stuff. I am very luck to have such a Great wife. Thanks again Kim…