From HR: Departments score high in internal SOAR surveys
Last month, the internal Customer Promise departmental surveys went out, asking employees to rate the SOAR attributes for the Accounting, Human Resources, and Marketing departments — how often and well the members of those departments Smile and create a positive impression; Offer personalized solutions; Actively listen; and Respond promptly and knowledgeably. Here are the survey results.
Around the Bank

Our employee running club kicked off at Corporate on June 5 with Product Analyst Kinnon Schreiber, President and COO Jay McKenna, and Accounting Clerk Miljana Milovic. “I’m not a runner, and I made it the whole two miles. It was good,” says Millie, who expects more people will come out for the Corporate club’s next jaunt, scheduled for today.
• Bankers’ group honors McKenna. The Wisconsin Bankers Association recognized President and COO Jay McKenna for his service to the industry. Jay recently completed a three-year term on the group’s board. “His leadership and commitment to the banking community are unmatched and we appreciate all he has done,” WBA president Rose Oswald Poels said.

Molly Schissler, Jay McKenna, HR Rep Cheryl Fregoso, Mike Kellman, Craig Witz, and Laurie Maduscha accepted the Top Workplace award on behalf of the bank. Click for the full photo.
• North Shore Bank named Top Workplace again. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has named us a Top Workplace in southeastern Wisconsin for the third year in a row. Employees accepted the award at a breakfast for the honorees at Potawatomi Casino in Milwaukee last Friday. Many thanks to everyone who helps make this a great place to work every day. And so the bank can say thank you in person, please remember to mark one of the two upcoming employee family outings on your calendars: the Timber Rattlers game in Appleton on August 24, and our day at the Milwaukee County Zoo on September 7.
• Picnic celebrates home owners. We sponsored the NeighborWorks Green Bay annual picnic last weekend. The event was part of Money Smart Week; it draws about 100 people every year and celebrates home ownership and the positive investment NeighborWorks Green Bay makes in the Green Bay community through homeownership counseling, foreclosure prevention counseling, home rehabilitation, and affordable rental properties. Employees who helped with the picnic include VP Chris Boland, MLO Rebecca Madsen, and Green Bay East Branch Manager Lisa Sment. Special thanks to Lisa and her family for bringing along NSB offers and activities.
• Bank hosts Realtors seminar. On May 21, North Shore Bank hosted about 50 Milwaukee-area real estate agents at a seminar at Miller Park. The seminar featured a multifaceted presentation that discussed the benefits of working with the bank, from our great preapproval program to our Niche CRA product set. It also included an update on the economy and guidance on new mortgage rules. Participating employees included MLO Patricia Akerlund, VP Chris Boland, MLO Bob Domach, MLO Stephanie Glowinski-Moeller, VP Mike Kellman, MLO Greg Kroll, Community Lending Manager Miguel Pesqueira, and CLO Carlos Sanchez.
Service Anniversaries This Week
“It’s been a good five years,” says Northland Teller Sharesa Desotelle of her June 15 anniversary with the bank. “I’ve been working full time and going to school full time, and North Shore has just been very flexible and a great company to work for. I’ve been given a lot of opportunities, and I’ve gained a lot of experience working here.”
AVP and Northland Branch Manager Heather Starr married her partner, Natalie, on Monday, becoming the first same-sex couple to wed in Outagamie County. Read about the ceremony and see photos here. Heather and Natalie have been together 11 years and have a daughter, Libby. “Words can’t describe how elated and grateful I am that this day has finally come for us,” Heather says. “It was a surreal and overwhelming experience to become a local media headline. We didn’t set out to make history or be in the news — we simply wanted to gain the same rights and protections as other committed couples. We feel so blessed at the amount of love and support we have received!” Congratulations to all of you, Heather!
Shorelines Shout-Outs!
As proven in our Customer Pulse Surveys, you are the heartbeat of the bank’s success. Here’s a sampling of what customers have to say about banking with us.
“I have never had a bad experience. The bankers are always friendly and helpful, and I have banked here for years, so I have trust in them.”
“I am very pleased with the personalized care plan my bank representative has set up with me. I feel more comfortable about my financial future now.”
“I am usually in a hurry when I go in, and they are always aware of this and get me out quickly.”
Photo of the Week: That’s a wrap

Grafton Branch Manager Jon Coleman got a surprise to celebrate his six-month anniversary with North Shore Bank: one beautiful wrapped office, courtesy of PB Terrence McDermott and Teller Josie Schneider.
North Shore Shape Up
• Weight Loss Challenge winners. Congratulations to the big winners — and biggest losers — of our 2014 Weight Loss Challenge! Sussex Teller Kelly Jo Gabrus lost 15 percent of her starting weight! She’s won a six-month YMCA membership. (We talked to Kelly Jo about her success with weight loss back in March.) “It feels great to win,” she says. “I’ve lost a total of 50 pounds, and I stopped the diet shortly after our challenge ended. I’m taking the summer off to enjoy fruit, s’mores, and ice cream!”
Winning team the Frankridge Impossibles lost 30 percent of their initial total weight. Team members were Franklin and Southridge Branch Manager Jennelle Bettinger, Franklin UB Tiffany Broadwater, Southridge Teller Supervisor Jessica Chao-Cornejo, PB Vincent Muntner, Forest Home Teller Brandi Quinn, and Southridge Teller Stephanie Welk.
• June is Men’s Health Month. Attention, men — please check out this helpful PDF explaining what sort of concerns you should discuss with your doctor. It includes a checklist to track past and upcoming screenings for cholesterol, blood pressure, colorectal cancer, STDs, and prostate cancer.
Internal Job Postings
Branch Manager II, Southwest, full time. $750 referral bonus. Internal closing date: June 12.
Teller Supervisor, Muskego, full time. 40 hours/week. $400 referral bonus. Internal closing date: June 13.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!
Shorelines is published on Thursdays. We love to hear about your professional milestones and the important moments in your life outside of work, too. Send news, questions, story ideas, suggestions, and fun photos to, or share your message using the comment form below.
Congratulations to you and your wife, Heather! What a big day, and an even bigger day by being part of history!
Congratulations Heather, Natalie and Libby. I am so very happy for you.
Congratualtions Heather! It’ nice to see such a happy family finally getting the chance to make it official. I am very happy for you and your family!
Congratulation Heather on your Wedding. Many happy years to you both!!
Congratulations to you and your family, Heather!
Way to go, Heather and Natalie! So happy for the three of you.
Congrats, Heather! May you have many happy years together. :)
So Happy for the three of you! Congrats and enjoy the ride!!!!
Congratulations to you and your family, Heather!! Wishing you many years of happiness together!
Congratulations, Heather to you and your family! Wishing you love and happiness for many years together.
Congratulations! I wish the 3 of you much happiness today and always.