Around the Bank
• Blood drive on August 25. We’ll host a blood drive in the conference room at Corporate from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. that Monday. Appointments are encouraged — you can make one yourself at or contact Lynn Jack at You should bring a photo ID that includes your birth date, and refreshments will be provided. The drive is in conjunction with BloodCenter of Wisconsin.
• Corporate Community Outreach Committee. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the committee’s collection drive for the Backpack Coalition last Friday! The Waukesha nonprofit provides school supplies for low-income kids, and Corporate and Brookfield Square held a Brewers casual day in conjunction with the drive.

Loan Operations Department employees show off their Brewers fashion. From left to right: Sarah Gantner, Maribeth Osmundsen, Kurri Cecchini, Brent Neumann, Marna Thillemann, and Kelly Thiemer.

From the Mortgage Department: Priscilla Hartling (holding Hank the Dog), Joe Maniscalco, Janis Bertagnolli, Lori Staniszewski, Keith Goetter, and Gina Bontempo.
Employees who donated either three new school-supply items or $5 could come to work in a Milwaukee Brewers top and jeans.
The committee collected $580 in cash donations, beating its goal of $500, and “a barrel full of school supplies,” Marketing Communications Manager Kate Knox said.

Customer Support Center employees: Nancy Adamski, Kristin Hoch, Stacey Sabel, Suzy Prittie, Bonnie Gonzalez, Wendy Gyles, Berta Huerta, Mari Schill, Kelly LaBonte, and Myra Rodriguez.
Corporate Community Outreach Committee members are Margie Brusa, Sarah Gantner, Sue Hanna, Nancy Hanson, Kate Knox, Cindy Lohrey, Colleen Moore, Wendy Repka, Janet Russell, Molly Schissler, and Barb Wisneski.
• Christmas in July bell ringing at Green Bay East. UB Kristine Brunson and new Teller Samantha Finnigan got their jingle on to collect money for the Salvation Army late last month. The branch partnered with Copps for the summer Yuletide charity event.
“Apparently, they’ve been having a hard time filling the ringer positions during the summer, so we helped out,” Kristine says. “We stood outside because it was a nice day, and it was kind of a fun way to get people to stop and talk, because most people aren’t used to seeing that in July.”
• Northland mustache fun. Branch Manager Heather Starr sent her employees a photo of the facial hair–related shenanigans at the All–Branch Manager Meeting, and they responded with one of their own:

Northland’s Kelly Kading, Katie Van Schyndel, Sharesa Desotelle, and Krissy Bowe show their boss they’ve got what it takes, too.
“I’d emailed them a picture and they decided to make their own mustaches,” Heather laughs.
• Élan credit card promotion. Five employees were winners for the bank’s March-April sweepstakes. Employees earned one sweepstakes entry for every new Visa account they booked. The winners were then selected in a random drawing. Winners were:
Grand prize ($500 Visa Rewards card) — Emmeline Knight, Teller, Ashwaubenon
First place ($250 Visa Rewards card) — Jennifer Schlei, ABMO, Wauwatosa
Runners-up ($100 Visa Rewards card) — Jessica Cranley, Teller, Westgate; James Gottemoller, PB, Southwest; Senka Shkreli, Branch Manager, Oak Creek

Branch Manager Mistine Thomson (left) and DM Kerri Collins (right) present Emmeline Knight with her prize.
During March and April, our branches generated 719 applications that yielded 435 approved credit cards, AVP Michael Ebbensgard said. Excellent work all around.
Service Anniversaries This Week
“I’ve learned a lot about banking in my five years,” says Marketing Product and Channel Manager Karen DeGarmo, who celebrates that anniversary with the bank on Sunday. “Lucky for me, no matter what industry you work in, marketing principals don’t change — you are just selling different products and reviewing different analytics. I’ve been a part of opening a lot of home equity and checking accounts and worked with great teams to launch new products. It’s been a lot of fun, and I work with a lot of hardworking and terrific people.”
Shorelines Shout-Outs!
As proven in our Customer Pulse Surveys, you are the heartbeat of the bank’s success. Here’s a sampling of what customers have to say about banking with us.
MLO Linda Tait received this note from a customer who just bought a new home:
“Thank you and North Shore Bank for the team effort. Even the realtor and title company had good things to say about North Shore. The closing went smoothly. If anyone asks, I will most surely point them in your and North Shore’s direction.”
Linda passed the note on to Senior Residential Loan Specialist Julie Knapp and Senior Consumer Loan Specialist Jessica Kohn, who also put in a lot of hard work on the loan.
North Shore Shape Up
• Corporate running club. Commercial Loan Servicing Team Leader Cheryl Lang joined the club for a run late last month. “It was OK,” she reports. “It wasn’t horrible. It didn’t leave me scarred for life.”
The one-mile jog was Cheryl’s first real run. “It’s not something I usually do unless it’s from some predatory animal,” she jokes. She wanted to try something new after recovering from having her appendix removed in June. And, she says, wisecracks aside, she plans to do it again. “I will be going back as long as they have the afternoon ones for beginners. It was very easy for a beginner.”
If you want to give it a try, too, the Corporate running club meets again next Tuesday, August 12, at 5:15 p.m. for a two-mile walk/jog; and on Wednesday, August 27, at 6:30 a.m. for a two-mile run. Runners will meet in the Corporate lobby.
• Weight Watchers At Work. There will be an open house at Corporate on Friday, August 15, from 11 to 11:30 a.m. for anyone who wants to know more about Weight Watchers At Work. The new session starts on August 29, assuming we can get enough people (we need 15) to keep it going.
Internal Job Postings
Assistant Branch Manager–Sales, McHenry, full time. 40 hours/week. $500 referral bonus. Internal closing date: August 8.
Personal Banker, Cudahy, full time. 40 hours/week. $500 referral bonus. Internal closing date: August 8.
Universal Banker, Oak Creek, full time. 40 hours/week. $400 referral bonus. Internal closing date: August 11.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!
Shorelines is published on Thursdays. We love to hear about your professional milestones and the important moments in your life outside of work, too. Send news, questions, story ideas, suggestions, and fun photos to, or share your message using the comment form below.
Happy 5 years Karen! Congrats!
Nice work Cheryl on trying out the running club! You left out the part that Mike makes it very easy and fun for everyone to try, as you can see from the picture.
Thanks again everyone for your school supply donations for the Backpack Coalition of Waukesha County. Everyone really worked together as a team to help us reach our goal. I’m sure we made alot of families very happy with our generous donations. Well done!