The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Paul Gores test-drives a video teller station at Corporate.
Our video tellers — now known as video specialists — made the news twice this past week. First, of course, we featured them in the last issue of Shorelines. And they were also spotlighted by an equally prestigious, if somewhat lesser-known publication, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Reporter Paul Gores visited our Kenosha Festival Foods branch to see what the hoopla was about. He spoke with two North Shore Bank customers, both of whom reported regularly patronizing the video specialists there and being quite happy with the service. “It’s really easy,” customer Dolores Stepler told him. “It’s a no-brainer kind of thing.”
The story noted that North Shore Bank is the first bank in Wisconsin to introduce video teller technology in a bank lobby — and the bank will set another record when it launches the first video teller/ATM combo in the nation later this month in Howard.
Besides observing Video Specialist Merry Justin at work, Gores spoke to VP Gary Messing, SVP Sue Doyle, and Chairman and CEO James McKenna.
View the entire Journal Sentinel article online.
And just a reminder: We’re still hiring video specialists. It’s a fun job in a relaxed environment at Corporate, and if you’re interested or know somebody who might be and want to learn more, you can get in touch with AVP Margie Brusa at mbrusa@northshorebank.com or 262-797-3859.