After trying crash diets for years, Kaitlin Matthias has found success with Weight Watchers.
ON DEC 5, a new 12-week Weight Watchers At Work session will start bankwide. We’re looking for 15 people to sign up so that all members can enjoy a discount on the program. The cost is $156 total, which can be deducted in installments from your payroll, and you’ll also get free e-tools to help you lose weight. As an added incentive, any new member that joins this session will be put into a drawing for a FREE MEMBERSHIP! That’s a $156 value — free! In addition to that, each current and new member will receive a free Active Link when you join. The Active Link monitor is an easy way to track your activity and sync it with the Weight Watcher app on your smartphone. This is a $60 value for free!
The best part of Weight Watchers At Work, though, is that it really will help you drop pounds and get healthier. Investment Services Administrative Coordinator Kaitlin Matthias knows — since joining the program in September, she has already lost around 10 pounds. Plus, she’s feeling healthier and happier. “It makes me think more about what I’m eating. It makes me plan ahead,” she said. “I’m more conscious of what I spend my money on, as well, so it’s actually helped my finances a little bit.” We talked to Kaitlin about why she gave Weight Watchers At Work a shot, what it’s like, and how it compares to other weight-loss programs she’s tried.
Shorelines: Why did you try Weight Watchers At Work?
Kaitlin: Mainly because of the incredible convenience. All I have to do is run upstairs once a week at work. I don’t have to drive anywhere, and I don’t have to take time out of my day — it also helps me remain on track, because there’s no logical reason (unless I have another meeting) I can’t spare a few minutes to run upstairs.
How much weight have you lost? What’s been hard about it, and what has been easy?
Currently I’ve lost around 10 pounds. It can be hard in the sense that I’m used to crash dieting (five-plus pounds per week), and this is definitely the “slow and steady” approach, which can be difficult when you’re impatient for results. However, the actual plan has been incredibly easy to stick to. I can have snack food; I can have beer or wine – within moderation, of course! Unlike on a crash diet, I’m not restricting myself from (and thus having to resist cravings for) foods I really like, so I’m less likely to binge if given the opportunity. Also, slow weight loss is better for the body in a long-term sense! Knowing that makes it easier to participate as well.
What experiences had you had with dieting or weight-loss programs before this?
Lots and lots of crash dieting. I think last year I gained and lost a combined total of 100 pounds. But because I was restricting myself from eating everyday foods that I loved and had around me every day (like cheese!), I had difficulty exercising moderation when I would “stop” dieting. It was very difficult on my body and ultimately hurt my short-term health. Weight Watchers, on the other hand, has allowed me to slowly restructure my lifestyle while not severely restricting my habits.
Has it been tough to plan meals that you enjoy?
No, and I’m not a cook at all — the only domestic thing I can do is knit. I eat a lot more fruits and veggies now, because those are quick and you can eat as many of them as you want.
Is it challenging to keep track of what you can eat, how many points something is, your progress — that sort of thing?
The Weight Watchers app is really useful. I live on my phone, and it’s right there, so it takes two seconds to look something up. And it’s really easy to memorize the points system, and kinda guesstimate how many points something is going to be.
What was your first Weight Watchers meeting like?
I was a bit nervous, but everyone in the meeting was incredibly nice. Susie (our WW leader) is a fantastic woman who is very easy to talk to, and always knows the right thing to say if you are feeling down about the week.
I’ve heard people say about Weight Watchers meetings that it’s like public shaming. I don’t know if they went to bad groups, but for us it’s not that at all. This is a completely supportive group. When you go to weigh in, they don’t say your weight out loud unless you want them to. If you had a good week, they ask permission even then to say how much you lost. It’s extremely private. And if you have a bad week, everyone will say, “We know how you feel.”
What would you tell your fellow employees about Weight Watchers At Work?
Definitely give it a try. I have not regretted joining, and frankly, I plan to stay with Weight Watchers for quite a long while. Everyone is extremely nice, and no one is judgmental. If you have a bad week, the group is there for you. And if you have a good week, the group cheers you on. You don’t have to stay for the whole meeting if you don’t have the time, either — you can run in and run out. Plus, Susie is just so nice — anyone should get to know her.
You can join Weight Watchers At Work through North Shore Bank whether you’re at Corporate or at a branch — if you’re at a branch, just find a Weight Watchers group in your neighborhood, and you’ll still get the same benefits.
For more information on Weight Watchers At Work, there will be a free informational meeting tomorrow, Friday, Nov 21, at Corporate from 11 to 11:30am in Lower Level Conference Room B. You can also contact Pat Ingelse at pingelse@northshorebank.com or Nancy Hanson at nhanson@northshorebank.com to join.
Kaitlin, thanks for sharing your experiences in Weight Watchers.
You are doing awesome in the program. Keep up the good work!
I encourage anyone who is even thinking about joining, now is the time! Even with the Holidays approaching.
This is the best promotion we have ever had with the Free Active Link and possible Free membership!