Our Branch of the Week is Ashwaubenon, run by AVP Mistine Thomson, who tells us about the good work her people are doing — plus which customer she has a little crush on, and what the staff’s favorite TV shows are. Last week’s Department of the Week was Commercial & Consumer Loan Administration.

Front row: Candice Vandenhoven and Emmeline Knight. Back row: Katie Walters, Mistine Thomson, and Stevie Nemetz.
Branch Personnel
Mistine Thomson, AVP/Area Branch Manager Manager
Emmeline Knight, Teller
Stevie Nemetz, Assistant Branch Manager
Candice Vandenhoven, Teller
Katie Walters, Universal Banker
What is your branch’s neighborhood like? What’s it known for?
We’re literally just a block or two from Lambeau Field. This is just a small town, but it has a lot going on. We have a mall on one side, the stadium on the other side, and there are lots of different sporting events and expos. It’s just fun to be close by. And then of course we have the Green Bay Gamblers hockey team in the area, and it’s fun to volunteer at some of those events.
What annual or regular events are big deal at Ashwaubenon? Any big ones coming up?
You have to realize, our team is fairly new, but we’re building our moments and our history. We sell candy bars for the Special Olympics and help support a nonprofit called Heaven’s Touch for single pregnant women. We also participate in Ben’s Wish, which helps kids who don’t have access to enough good food.
Does your branch have any favorite or special customers?
I have my favorite! It’s Mark Murphy, president of the Packers. I like football players. He’s pretty fun to interact with, and I may have a little customer crush on him. My husband is fully aware.
What services or products seem to be most important to your customers?
Everything. Again, being a newer staff, we work really hard to make our customers aware of all of our services and products. I think just “service with a smile” is what’s really important to them — they have a relatable group of people who can help them.
Any personal celebrations or milestones among the people at Ashwaubenon recently?
I’m gonna be a first-time grandma soon! And we just promoted one our girls, Stevie, from within to assistant branch manager, and that’s been neat. And our UB, Katie, is celebrating 16 years with the bank.
Is there some music, or a TV show or movie or book or anything that’s notably popular among the people at your branch?
Oh, you’ll laugh so hard, but two of us here — Candice and I — we watch Amish Mafia. It’s hilarious. And Stevie, Candice, and Emmeline follow The Walking Dead. Stevie actually stayed up watching the whole series the other night.
Any exciting or noteworthy developments on the horizon for the Ashwaubenon branch?
Just that we’re hoping to be Branch of the Year! Is that a little brash?
Ashwaubenon Team,
What a wonderful insight to your branch team! It’s fun to see the enthusiasm you have for customers and each other. Thanks for all you do,
I finally got to see what your team looks like. We talk on the phone, but it’s hard to put a face on the person on the phone. Keep up the good work.