Around the Bank

Northland rocks their sweaters. From left to right: Lacee Kalepp, Katie Van Schyndel, Heather Starr, Tyler Schumacher, and Kathleen Veu.
Northland’s ugly sweaters: Northland branch staff wore ugly holiday sweaters on Christmas Eve to celebrate the season. “Customers got a kick out of them,” reports Branch Manager Heather Starr. “Some even went out of their way to walk around the branch to be able to look at each employee’s sweater. My sweater had bells on it, so it quickly became a joke that everyone could hear when I was coming.”

Fox Point’s ornament contest results, clockwise from upper left: Abbey Samenfeld won the Bling award, with help from her daughter Hailey; Emily Haskey won the Grinch award, because her ornament looked like a house he would live in; Beth Wianecki won the Gingerbread award — and a close second place — for obvious reasons; Victoria Beadle won the Snowflake award for best use of cotton; and Evelyn Heu won the Star award and first place. “Hers was very detailed, with flowers in the boxes,” Carol says.
Fox Point ornaments: Fox Point staff had an ornament decorating contest last month. Each employee received a birdhouse ornament and decorating supplies. “Lots of fun, and everyone was very creative!” reports Branch Manager Carol Bergen.

Pulaski’s Dan Baglien, April Stevenson, and Samantha Frank show off their baking skills.
Pulaski adopts a family: The Pulaski branch adopted a family this holiday season, holding a bake sale to raise money so that the family’s four young children could have gifts and a Christmas dinner. Employees baked the goods on their own time, and the sale raised almost $100 on top of the staff’s own donations. “The mom had to have surgery a few weeks before Christmas, which added to the family’s financial strain,” says Branch Manager Heather Starr. “They were so grateful that our gift and Christmas dinner donations allowed them to have a Christmas that they otherwise would not have been able to.”
Financial education: On Dec 10 and 11, Green Bay West and Howard Branch Manager Sharon Hack and VP Chris Boland gave three presentations at Franklin Middle School for students using the Banzai Financial Education workbooks we donated last year. The students prepared 39 questions for Sharon and Chris with the help of their teacher, Mrs. Vogt. Some of the more interesting queries included: “Do you have to have a college education to be a banker?” “How much do you make?” and “What would you do if you were robbed?” “We talked to the students about how to start saving and what our careers as bankers look like,” Sharon says. “It was a fun time. I’m glad to see the program is helping students budget and understand the importance of earning and saving money.”
Promotions: December 2015
We asked employees promoted in December about their goals in their new roles for the new year. Here’s what they said.
“After working for the Allouez branch for three years and having the privilege of creating strong customer relationships over the teller line, I am honored to accept the title of Universal Banker for the Howard location. I am excited to expand my knowledge of banking and getting to know more customers on a personal level when opening accounts. My goal for the new year is to utilize the skills I have to be a trusted advisor and reach for the fifth-floor relationship that each customer deserves.”
—Rachel Everard, Howard/Suamico, promoted from Teller to Universal Banker
“My goal is to continue to learn as much as I can, to help in any way that I can within the North Shore Bank family.”
Geneva Lacking, Customer Support Center, promoted from Universal Banker to Checking Services Representative
Other promotions:
Brett Staeven, Green Bay East, promoted from Teller to Universal Banker
Department of the Week

The Human Resources team: Molly Schissler, Milene Below, Pauline Paulson, Cindy Lohrey, Cheryl Fregoso, Jaime Sagler, Nikki Shelton-Moss, and Jennifer Laning.
Human Resources: They’re charged with caring for North Shore Bank’s most valuable asset: you! This week, VP Molly Schissler takes us behind the scenes in the HR department — and has some exciting news about annual performance reviews. Read on for more.
North Shore Shape Up
“Baby” your dry winter skin: Is the Midwestern winter doing a scratchy number on your skin? Try this: Take short, warm showers — not hot ones, as hot water will deplete the moisture in your skin. Then put a nickel-size dab of baby oil on your palm and smooth it over your body from head to toe. That thin layer of oil will trap natural moisture and improve the effects of lotion. In a pinch, olive oil, sweet almond oil, or coconut oil will work, too.
Internal Job Postings
• Teller, Burlington, part time, 25 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: Jan 8.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!