They’re busy, and they keep your computers running. Help Desk Manager Roger Arnesen gives us a very quick look at what he and his team do this week. Our featured branch last time was El Rey.

Roger, Arlen, and Cliserio at Cliserio’s baby shower.
Roger Arnesen, Help Desk Manager
Pam Bradley, Help Desk/Telcom Technician
Cliserio Gonzalez, Help Desk Technician
Arlen Tsao, Help Desk Technician
What is your department’s main purpose, and what are the services it provides?
Providing help desk support including PC builds and rebuilds, data backup and restoration, and supporting PC hardware, printers, scanners, and other peripherals.
What tasks are performed by the various job titles in your department?
Software installs, computer repairs, printer repairs — if it’s broke, we fix it.
What are some things you’d like other departments or branches to know about what your department does?
When in doubt, call us!
What events or projects or times of the year keep your department especially busy?
We have a never-ending lineup of projects 52 weeks of the year and some weekends.
Any personal celebrations or milestones among the people at your department recently?
Pam Bradley welcomed a new granddaughter, Madelyn, last fall. Cliserio Gonzalez recently started his new career in the IT Department as a help desk technician. And my son Jason married in June.
What’s a great work story from your department?
Cliserio’s baby shower was a lot of fun — we played games! There were melted candy bars in diapers, and you had to guess which kind based on flavor and texture.