Army veteran and Sussex local historian Fred Keller’s children put together a display to celebrate his honor flight. It was displayed at Sussex on October 20.
Some of our branches held events to promote Wisconsin’s honor flights, which take American veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit war memorials. Bank employees raised almost $1,000 in October to support honor flights.

Jon Coleman with two veterans at Grafton’s open house on October 18. At left is Walter Raebel, a North Shore Bank customer.
At the branches, veterans sat down with traveling displays and were available to chat with employees and customers about their military service. Members of the public also came into branches to drop off American flags to be honorably retired in ceremonies this week. Grafton Branch Manager Jon Coleman reported that several customers conversed with the veterans at his branch’s open house, which was coordinated by Teller Harmony French. Some visitors to the branches also donated money to support honor flights.