SOAR Together Awards program launching soon
We are excited to begin our SOAR Together Awards recognition program. Beginning December 1, we launch our monthly Seymour Salute Awards, and we will launch the annual SOAR Together Awards on February 1. Molly Schissler has the full scoop on these exciting awards.
Sue Tagatz retires from Lake in the Hills

Lake in the Hills held a retirement celebration for Sue on November 11. Customers from both ISB branches were invited to stop by for cake and refreshments.
“When I started working in banking in 1993 at Home Federal Savings & Loan of Elgin, Illinois, our main accounts were checking and CDs,” remembers Lake in the Hills Assistant Branch Manager Sue Tagatz. “Direct deposit wasn’t popular, and debit cards and online banking didn’t exist.”
Much has changed. Sue will leave behind a very different banking industry when she retires tomorrow. Read more about her career here and next steps.
NSB helps communities celebrate Halloween

Deposit Operations Rep Tiaira Johnson and Senior Deposit Operations Specialist Stephanie Hallgren hand out candy to an elephant (a friend of Mailroom Assistant Colleen Moore) and a couple of Minions (daughters of Loan Funding Rep Sarah Gantner).
Last month, North Shore Bank personnel celebrated Halloween at a variety of different events. Here’s a look at some of the fun.
Howard-Suamico part of Operation Christmas Child
The Howard-Suamico branch is participating in Operation Christmas Child. Visitors can pick up a box from the branch, pack it with toys, school supplies, or hygiene-related items, and then bring it back. The branch sends it on to be given to a child in need for the holidays.

The boxes at Howard-Suamico.
Suggested donations
Coloring books
Bar soap
Small toys
Sports items
Dolls and stuffed animals
The official deadline for receiving boxes is November 21, but Branch Manager Tavie Folk says the branch will collect boxes throughout December and get them to the right place. The drive is organized by nonprofit Samaritan’s Purse. Interested donors can also just pack a shoe box, or a box of similar size, if it’s not convenient to pick one up at the branch, and monetary donations are also welcome.
“These Operation Christmas Child boxes are shipped all over the world to children who are truly in need,” Tavie says. “If a customer donates $7 for shipping online, they can print off a bar code to put on their box, and then they can actually track where their box gets shipped!” •••
Brown County HBA recognizes North Shore Bank

Rebecca, Chris, and Sherry with our certificate of recognition from the BCHBA.
The Brown County Home Builders Association recognized North Shore Bank for our 45 years of membership in a ceremony in Green Bay on November 8.
VP and Mortgage Lending Manager Chris Boland, Senior Mortgage Lender Sherry Leanna, and Mortgage Loan Officer Rebecca Madsen attended the event.
“The Brown County Home Builders Association is a great organization that supports our local community with programs geared toward educating people on the importance of the trades associated with home building,” Chris said. “We are proud to be a member of this organization. Our partnership with them provides opportunities for people to learn about North Shore Bank and drives many visitors to our branches during their ‘Showcase of New Homes’ events, which Sherry Leanna has sold tickets for, for many years.” •••
Thanks, 2016 Crime Busters!
2016 has been a great year for our Crime Busters, who’ve helped North Shore Bank and our customers by preventing and stopping fraud. Thanks for being alert and helping our customers to not become victims! Keep up the good work in 2017 — we love recognizing you. — Kelly LaBonte, Loss Prevention Associate
2016 Retail Crime Busters
Metro North-South and South Regions: Tammy Alberts, Maria Baumer, Sandy Blackburn, Barb Blazina, LeSette Cortez-Malacara, Kim Dane, Laura De Bruin, Tiffany Duck, Esveiri Escobar, Ashley Flanagan, James Gottemoller, Marie Hamilton, Erika Hernandez, Karla Lozano, Ramon Martinez, Carmen Maurer, Jokeisha Miller, Merissa Modory, Shamika Parish, Jody Perron, Wanda Pillizi, Rosanne Pulvermacher, Erika Smith, Amy Sweet, Sara Swosinski, Linsey Weber, Elizabeth Wianecki, and Jeanine Wielepski.
North Region: Dan Baglien, Tavie Folk, Sam Frank, Sharon Hack, Karen Jach, Dawn Jelen, Leigha Johnston, Lacee Kalepp, Laurel Kocken, Patt Kox, Dede Krause, Diane Leiterman, Stevie Nemetz, Tara Neuville, Tiffany Pennington, Heather Starr, Tiffany Theis, Hali Thompson, and Katie Van Schyndel.
Detectives of the Year
Metro North Region: Sandy Blackburn
Metro South Region: James Gottemoller
Northeast: Katie Van Schyndel
South: Linsey Weber
Crime Buster Branch of the Year: Appleton Northland
Some helpful hints for current and future Crime Busters:
- If you see something, say something.
- Knowing your customers and their normal transaction activity will help you detect unusual activity that might be related to a scam.
- Let Security know when you’ve been a Crime Buster — we want to recognize and reward you.
Service Anniversaries for November 17
The following employees celebrate a major anniversary with North Shore Bank this month.
30 years
Steve Dowe
20 years
Debra Hahm
Susan Koch
10 years
Susan Hanna
Jody Perron
5 years
Sandra Blackburn
Coral Jordan
Dennis White
Leave a comment to congratulate them! •••
North Shore Shape Up: Cold prevention Q&A
Cold and flu season is upon us, so you might want to check out this interview with infectious disease specialist John Swartzberg, M.D., chair of the editorial board of the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter. It’s full of interesting and helpful information, such as Dr. Swartzberg’s thoughts on zinc supplements:
“The research suggests zinc may be modestly effective. The theoretical reason why zinc might work is that it may help prevent the cold virus from replicating. But the clinical trials have been mixed. Do I take it? Yes, but it’s hard to know if it helps. If it’s taken as directed—and not for a long duration—it doesn’t appear risky. If you want to try it, go ahead. Just don’t use any zinc product that goes directly to your nose, because it may permanently damage your ability to smell.”
To read more about how often you should be washing your hands to prevent colds, how long a cold virus can last out in the world, and the effectiveness of supplements like vitamin C or D, read the whole interview. You may need to access it on your phone or home computer. •••
Upcoming Events
The 46th Annual Downtown Appleton Christmas Parade is the largest nighttime parade in the Midwest and will take place on Tuesday, November 22. The parade begins at State Street and College Avenue in downtown Appleton and travels east on College Avenue to Drew Street. More upcoming events here.
Internal Job Postings •••
- Building Engineer, Corporate, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: November 21.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!