Molly Schissler
By Molly Schissler, VP, Human Resources
As previously announced, we are excited to begin our SOAR Together Awards recognition program. For all of the details, visit our new SOAR Together Awards page. You can also access it on the main page of our intranet, under “Internal Bookmarks.”
Beginning December 1, we launch our monthly Seymour Salute Awards:
Each month, a nominating committee will review monthly Seymour Salute submissions and select individuals who best personify SOAR Together service principles. These individuals will be recognized in Shorelines on a monthly basis and will receive Seymour Salute reward points. There is no minimum or maximum limit on the number of monthly winners who can be selected. All employees are eligible, and there is no limit on the number of times a person can be recognized as a top performer.
When appropriate, the committee may recognize an employee with less than two years of service as a Rising Star performer. Rising Star will be featured in Shorelines and will receive Seymour Salute reward points.
Beginning February 1, 2017, we will launch the annual SOAR Together Awards:
The bank will recognize three individuals who exemplify excellence in one of these areas: Outstanding Service, Community Involvement, and Legacy Leader. Bank employees will nominate co-workers who have personified characteristics of each award over the past 12 months. All employees are eligible. Nominations will be accepted beginning February 1 each year. A nominating committee will review candidates and select one winner for each award. Winners will be announced in April. ecipients will receive a $500 cash reward and a SOAR Together recognition plaque.