Molly Schissler
By Molly Schissler, SVP, Human Resources & Compliance
As we kick off another year of our wellness program with Interra Health, we’d like to share some overall results with you from our 2016 wellness screenings. North Shore Bank has partnered with Interra Health (soon to be merged with, and known as, Healics) since 2012, and in that time, we have seen some impressive improvements in the overall health “score” of our participating employees.
Interra uses a scale up to 1,000 points to show relative health from its biometric screenings. In 2012, the average BioScreen score among North Shore Bank employees was 711 points. In 2016, the average score rose to 804. In addition, the data show that North Shore Bank participants have increased the percentage of employees in the Low Risk category, while also decreasing the percentage in the Moderate Risk health category. In 2012, participants had 744 high-risk health factors identified. In 2016, there were just 539. Our percentage of participants in the High Risk health category (meaning they have four or more health risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high glucose levels, etc.), has remained the same over this period of time. However, compared to Interra’s overall participant population, North Shore Bank has nearly 5 percent fewer high-risk participants.
Something interesting to note from our results, however, is our employees’ perception of their own health. In the chart below, you’ll see that 91 percent of participants feel their health is very good (low risk). In reality, however, based on results of the BioScreens, just 57 percent of participants are actually in the Low Risk category. No employees felt they were in poor health (with high-risk factors), but in reality, 6 percent of participants fell into the High Risk category.
What does all of this mean? We are pleased to see our participation rates have increased over the past four years, because without knowledge of your health, you can’t begin to address issues you aren’t aware of. We’re also pleased that the overall health scores have improved — a fantastic result! Our plan is to continue offering free biometric screenings (and remember, your wellness visit to your own physician is also free under our medical plan), and to continue offering wellness information and support throughout the year. Your health is so important, most of all to your family, but also to everyone else here you work with each day.
An email was sent today with information about this year’s biometric screening dates and locations; it also outlined the 2018 wellness incentive for participation. Here’s a PDF for your convenience.
If you are enrolled in (or plan to enroll in) one of our medical plans, you’ll want to be sure to participate in the wellness program. Keep up the great work on yourself — a true benefit!
Will there be an onsite screening at Corporate much later in the year? Later than the April 25th date that is listed now. I was hoping to do a onsite screening at Corporate in like August or September at the conclusion of my summer diet.
Hi Bill – Unfortunately, no, our on-site screenings are only in April each year. However, as an alternative, you could do a wellness visit to your doc later in the year. If you do that, be sure to stress to the office that you are there only for a wellness check-up so they don’t charge you for the visit. Alternatively, we could see about setting up a screening directly with Interra at another location. Lots of options – and good luck on your summer diet :-)