You may recall that North Shore Bank helps provide middle schools in our North Region with financial education through the Banzai program. Earlier this month, we received a thank-you note from an alternative education teacher at Southwest High School in Green Bay. She wrote:
Thank you very much for sponsoring the Banzai materials for my classroom this year. I teach a special education class with a high need for basic credit, financial, and living skill knowledge. I appreciate the opportunity you have given me and my students to experience these life scenarios through this program. I know it will be a beneficial and enjoyable activity for us!
Green Bay area branch manager Sharon Hack received a note from the same teacher after coming to speak with students at Southwest:
I really appreciate your coming to speak with my students yesterday. In addition to the banking information presented, I am going to talk with the students today about what they learned about the two careers you described. Thanks again for sponsoring us!