Pulaski teller Terri Poradek, Katie, and universal banker Sam Frank with some of the flowers.
The Pulaski branch partnered with other local businesses last week to distribute flowers in honor of Mother’s Day. “Each flower had a card on it wishing the recipient a happy Mother’s Day from North Shore Bank, along with an invitation to take advantage of our $200 checking promotion,” branch manager Katie Presser said. “Heather Starr at the Northland branch shared this idea recently, and it sounded like a very fun, creative way to reach out to the community.”
The effort was a collaboration with Mountain Bay Coffee and Gifts. “They advertised on social media that they would have free flowers in the shop over the weekend, compliments of North Shore Bank. Then, as their customers came in, they handed out our flyers and flowers,” Katie said. “They went through all 100 flowers we gave them and said it was a fun, busy weekend in the shop! We haven’t seen any new accounts come in just yet, but I’m hopeful that we’ll see a few new faces in the branch to take advantage of our promotion.”