Do you get bored and frustrated every time you start an exercise routine? If so, give high-intensity interval training a try. Harvard Medical School cites a recent study that found that HIT (or HIIT, as it’s also called) “is more enjoyable than moderate continuous aerobic exercise, and thus may help you stick with your workouts.”

Complete Guide to Interval Training by Brett Jordan. Click to download a large version.
In the study, 40 sedentary adults were divided into two groups, with each doing stationary bike workouts, three days a week. The HIT group did 10 bouts of one-minute high-intensity intervals at 90% to 95% of peak heart rate, followed by a one-minute recovery, for 20 minutes. The other half did moderate intensity cycling at 70% to 75% peak heart rate continuously for about 28 minutes.
After six weeks, the HIT group had a 10% higher overall exercise enjoyment score than the moderate-intensity group. Also, the HIT group’s score increased weekly and peaked by the end, while the moderate intensity group’s score stayed stagnant throughout.
Besides that, the HIT group got quite a bit stronger, too. There’s a lot of information about high-intensity interval training online. Give it a look, and you might be on the way to a fitter self faster.