Duane Bavlnka, our vice president for compliance, retires next Tuesday, August 1, after over four decades at North Shore Bank. (He started on July 7, 1975.) During that time, Duane has served in multiple roles here — as a branch manager, deposit operations manager, and vice president for loan processing and servicing, as well as his current title.

Duane retires Tuesday.
“Duane joined us 42 years ago, shortly after graduating from Carroll University in Waukesha. He took a part-time position with North Shore while he was working on his MBA at UWM,” remembers chairman and CEO Jim McKenna. “Since that time, he has held four different jobs with the bank. Over those many years, I’ve watched Duane grow not only professionally, but also personally. Whatever position he had, he performed admirably. As he moves on into retirement, I wish nothing but the best for him, his wife, and his family.”
Duane talked to Shorelines about his career here and what the future holds.
Are there specific mentors, bosses or colleagues who have been especially important to your career? How did they help you?
I have to thank Jim McKenna for his support throughout my career. With his support, I was able to have several “mini careers” during my tenure, working in different positions.
Any favorite memories?
In the early years of my career as a branch manager, the branch managers maintained a friendship outside of the office. Annually for five or six years, we did a winter weekend cross-country skiing outing to Door County. These outings were the start of my desire to eventually move to and live in Door County.
If you had not gone into banking, what other career path might you have taken?
In college, I majored in psychology. Prior to getting into banking, I had interest in going into child psychology.
What advice would you give someone just starting out in banking?
Always do your best, whether performing a menial task or completing a major project. Keep learning. Be curious. Have fun at what you do.
What are your retirement plans?
Immediately after retirement, I will be spending time with former North Shore Bank employees. (I just can’t seem to get away!) Several lifelong friendships were kindled over the years, and even though others have left the bank, we still get together. Beyond that, my wife, Linda (who also worked at NSB), and I plan to visit friends and relatives and once again become tourists in the area where we chose to live our lives. Somehow our children, Erica and Dana (who both worked at NSB too), have decided that we are now their “designated babysitters” for our grandchildren — but that chore we willingly accept!
Duane, I’ll never forget when you told us “Compliance is fun”! I am still searching for the fun every time I take a BVS course?
I will miss you smiling face here at Corporate. You will be missed, but it’s time to move on to your next adventure in life.
Enjoy your time in Door County with your family and friends.
Duane, it has truly been a pleasure working with you. You are a wealth of information and I learned a great deal from you over the years. I wish you much happiness in the next phase of your life. You will be missed!
Duane, it has been a pleasure working with you over the years (many years) and I will miss seeing you. Say hi to Linda for me as well as the former NSB employee’s.
Duane, Congratulations on your retirement and chance to really enjoy Door County for a change! You have been a pleasure to work with. I will be out of town on your last day so I will miss your goodbyes. Perhaps we will run into each other in the Door when I go up to visit my family in Stu bay. Take care.
Duane- enjoy your well deserved retirement. It’s been a pleasure working with you for the past 15 years! Best wishes!
Duane-Congratulations on your much deserved retirement! Enjoy!!!
You will be missed. I have always enjoyed your sense of humor and your attention to detail, it is a rare combination. Enjoy your retirement as much, if not more, than you enjoyed your job.
Duane – I wish you and Linda all the best in the new and wonderful phase of life. It has been an honor to work with you over the years. Enjoy every minute of Door County!
Congratulations Duane on your retirement! It has been a pleasure working with you the past 24 years. Enjoy every minute you deserve it!!