Illustration by Barb Cousins for Harvard Health.
Are you doing regular strength training? It’s especially important as you age, because you start losing muscle more quickly as you get older. But the benefits can be enormous, as Harvard Health explains:
Studies show that strength training not only can slow muscle loss, it can also help prevent or control conditions as varied as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and osteoporosis. And recent research indicates that it can also improve cognitive function, especially when added to aerobic exercise. As we age, strength training helps to preserve mobility and reduce the risk of falling.
The post notes that women in particular often avoid strength training because they feel it’s too time-consuming or are intimidated by going to the gym. But “it’s possible to work every muscle group in your own home with minimal equipment.”
You can see nine such exercises in this PDF recommended by a Harvard special health report. Take a look and stay strong!