Dash for Cash nets over $14K for Green Bay schools

Teachers scramble to collect bills at the Dash for Cash.
North Shore Bank and the Green Bay Gamblers helped Green Bay high school, middle school, and elementary teachers raise $14,538 for their schools on January 20 in the Dash for Cash.

District manager Kerri Collins prepares to drop the puck.
Between periods at the Gamblers hockey game that night, $8,500 in cash was tossed onto a carpet at center ice (a record-high amount for the event). Thirty-two teachers jumped in to grab as much as they could for their schools. The schools also received a portion of the ticket sales from that night. •••
Kids, adults participate in Race for the Hungry

The Kenosha racers show off their hauls.
North Shore Bank hosted the ninth annual Race for the Hungry on December 27 at three supermarkets, to benefit three food pantries. This annual community event challenges participants who compete head-to-head, filling their grocery carts as they rush through the store collecting items on a pantry’s wish list.
At El Rey Foodmart, two members of the Milwaukee Christian Center board of directors raced through the aisles.
In Kenosha, racers from Kenosha Tremper High School football team and Turning Life Point Church competed to benefit the Shalom Center. Rick Barnes from the Shalom Center attended the event to thank the racers and transport the groceries.

Appleton Northland teller Kathleen Veu, Heather, and teller supervisor Katie Van Schyndel stand behind the Girl Scout racers. Universal banker Nate Scheuers was Seymour Savings.
Girl Scouts from three troops at Appleton’s Ferber Elementary School tore through the aisles of Piggly Wiggly to benefit Apple Valley food pantry. “The troop that had the highest participation got a $100 gift card, and the other two troops each got a $25 gift card,” Appleton Northland branch manager Heather Starr said. “All three troops are putting the funds towards additional community service projects. The troop that got the grand prize used it to purchase a couple dozen yards of fleece and materials to make scarves and care kits for all of their school’s crossing guards and safety patrol officers.” •••
Service Anniversaries for January 2018
The following employees celebrate a milestone anniversary with North Shore Bank this month.
25 years
Janet Brammer, Service Coordinator
15 years
Alfredo Martin, Area Branch Manager, El Rey
5 years
Danielle Ritz, Assistant Branch Manager-Operations
Leave a comment to congratulate them!
North Shore Shape Up: Fiber helps with leaky gut
You’re never just eating for yourself. As Cleveland Clinic Wellness reminds us:
Our digestive tracts house trillions of…microscopic organisms, and what you eat affects which bacteria thrive. The balance of bacteria, in turn, affects an important barrier in the colon that separates the bacteria from the body’s cells. Eating a plant-based, fiber-rich diet may encourage beneficial bacteria and, therefore, a sturdy barrier, while eating a low-fiber, Western-style diet (as in, highly processed and refined foods, lots of salt and sugar, and fat and protein from red meat) may lead to harmful bacteria and a weak barrier.
A weak barrier, or “leaky gut,” can quickly encourage inflammation. To avoid that, the clinic recommends eating lots of produce with plenty of fiber: “Carrots, sweet potatoes, brown rice, steel cut oats, apples, beans, quinoa, whole wheat, bananas, artichokes, onions, fruits and veggies, grains, and legumes are fantastic sources of fiber and nutrients.” Delicious! •••
Reminder: New Weight Watchers program
Go freestyle!
In December, Weight Watchers announced a new program called WW Freestyle. It offers more flexibility and freedom than ever before! Here’s how it works:
Now, over 200 foods have a SmartPoints value of 0, including some surprises like chicken, fish, eggs, corn, beans, and more! The best part? Foods on the zero Points list don’t need to be tracked or measured, so you can spend less time counting and more time enjoying your food and your life!If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight, then Weight Watchers Freestyle is the program for you. It’s not too late to join the next 12-week session of Weight Watchers At Work, which starts tomorrow, January 26.
Anyone can join. If you are at a branch, you may sign up through the Corporate At Work group and then attend a Weight Watchers meeting in your area, at your convenience.
The cost is $156 for 12 weeks, which includes 14 weeks of free e-tools.
Contact Nancy Hanson at nhanson@northshorebank.com for more information. •••
Upcoming Events
Our Racine-area branches will hold a Souper Bowl Chili Cook-off next Friday, February 2, as their annual chili cook-off falls on the weekend of the big game. Purchase bowls of our employees’ best chili with all the fixings for $2 each, or sample all of the selections for $4. All money collected benefits HALO of Racine, which provides warm beds for people who need them during the winter. More upcoming events here.
Internal Job Postings •••
- Teller, Wauwatosa, full time, 40 hours/week. Pay grade: N09. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: TODAY.
- Systems Analyst, Corporate, full time, 40 hours/week. Pay grade: E08. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: January 26.
- Customer Assistance Representative, Corporate, full time, 40 hours/week. Pay grade: N12. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: Ongoing.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to nsbcareersforyou.silkroad.com and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!