Celebrate Darrel Eisenhardt’s retirement next Thursday

Darrel listens while senior vice president Sue Doyle speaks at his 40th anniversary celebration.
After 43 years of service to North Shore Bank, VP and region coordinator Darrel Eisenhardt will retire next week. His last day will be next Friday, April 6.
Darrel’s colleagues are invited to celebrate his career and wish him well at a get-together next Thursday, April 5, in the fourth-floor employee lounge at Corporate at 2:30pm. Put it on your calendar!
When Shorelines last checked in with Darrel, he was marking 40 years at the company. “I have found my job so interesting with the different responsibilities that I have had over the past 40 years that I have never dreaded coming to work,” he said. Read more about Darrel and his future plans!
Show off your animals in honor of National Pet Day
National Pet Day is April 11, and to celebrate, we’d like to post your cutest, funniest, or most fascinating pet photos and stories in Shorelines. Want to get your pet into the newsletter? Here are the guidelines:
- Send photos and stories to shorelines@northshorebank.com. Include your pets’ names, ages, species, and breed if relevant, along with your full name and current job title.
- You can submit photos and stories about living pets or those who’ve crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
- One submission per employee, please. Your photo or story can include multiple pets, but put it all in one email!
- Deadline is this Monday, April 2, at 5pm.
Photos and text may be edited to fit our needs. We’re looking forward to seeing your favorite animal friends! •••
Marsha Nowak retires tomorrow
“When I left other places, I always had a job in place!” says deposit services representative Marsha Nowak, who retires tomorrow, Friday, March 30. “So this is going to be different.”
Marsha spoke to Shorelines about her future plans and what she wanted to do besides banking. If you missed it in last week’s issue, please take a look and wish her well!
Avast! Business bankers don patches, support Schmidt
After business relationship manager and AVP Jeremy Schmidt injured his eye recently, he had to keep it covered for 48 hours — “which meant he also had to endure a pirate’s bounty of heckling from his beloved co-workers,” said lending sales specialist Jody Moore. Commercial banking manager and VP Margaret Capper and business relationship manager Cheri Cicona-Trudell came up with the idea for Jeremy’s colleagues to wear their own eye patches and decorate his cubicle with a pirate them.
“It was funny and completely in line with who we all are,” Jeremy said. “We care about one another and have a blast working together — no one takes themselves too seriously.” Saying “Arrr!” above are product and implementation manager Jeff Luczak, treasury solutions specialist Angela San Felipo-Gellendin, VP and commercial loan officer Jim Goetz, Jody, Jeremy, VP and commercial loan officer Phil Ostroski, and Cheri. •••
New Hires for March 29
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
Pewaukee personal banker Brett Brilowski is from Waukesha. His mother and sister own the Sweet Tooth bakery in Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point neighborhood, and he previously worked with them. Brett says, “I have two siblings, and each of our first names starts with Br — my younger brother’s name is Brock, and my older sister is Brianna. And all five members of my family are Marquette alums. Go, Warriors/Golden Eagles!”
Menasha teller Brandon Ferris is originally from Illinois. “I was in the military, so I’ve lived in seven different states and touched my foot down in all except Alaska and Hawaii,” he says. He was previously a personal banker with JPMorgan Chase. “I’m the best dad in the world!” Brandon says. “I’m into extreme exercising: 40.44 miles biking, 12 miles hiking (in one session last summer), and currently training for my first 5K.”
Southridge assistant branch manager–sales Cassandra James was born and raised in Milwaukee. “My boyfriend and I just bought a house here, so I don’t plan on going anywhere soon!” she notes. She has been in banking for over six years and was previously a loan officer at Summit Credit Union. “I love camping and anything outdoors,” Cassandra says. “My boyfriend and I bought a two-person kayak this winter and cannot wait to take it camping with us. We have a goal to visit five different state parks this year!”
Video teller Kayleigh Marshall is from Milwaukee and previously worked as an infant room teacher; before that, she was an assistant manager at another financial institution. “I’ve been acting since I was 5. I act in plays all the time,” she says. Her favorite role was playing the Wicked Witch in a production of The Wizard of Oz. “It gave me a chance to have a more serious role. I’m used to playing funny, goofy roles, and this gave me an opportunity to show off my other skills.”
Systems analyst Bryan Peters is from the Waukesha area and lives in West Allis now. He was previously a desktop/application specialist at Zero Zone Inc. in North Prairie, a refrigeration company that makes coolers and freezers for grocery and convenience stores. “I’ve got a crazy 2-year-old daughter who my girlfriend and I love hanging out with when we’re at home,” Bryan says. “Her name is Madelyn, but she goes by Maddy, unless she’s in trouble!”
Sturgeon Bay teller Pavel Petkov is a native of Bulgaria. His family moved to the United States back in 2006 and became citizens, and they now live in Sturgeon Bay. He previously worked as a grocery store manager. “I like to go to the movies, to spend time with my family, and to go to water parks,” Pavel says. “My favorite is Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells.”
Shorewood teller Richard Wamboldt is from New Berlin and previously worked at Northwestern Mutual. He is also a student at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he’s studying finance. But, Richard notes: “My kitten Felix is my pride and joy. I have had him since June of last year and he is the first kitten I’ve owned on my own!” •••
North Shore Shape Up: Losing weight really is that hard
It’s no secret that many people have a lot of trouble losing weight and keeping it off. But it’s less well known that there’s a concrete, biological reason for this, as Harvard Health Blog explains:
As we lose weight, the body adapts to resist it by lowering the resting metabolic rate — that’s the amount of energy spent while at rest, when the “engine” of the body is idling. Lowering the resting metabolic rate is a good thing if food is scarce and weight loss is occurring due to starvation. In that situation, it’s good that the body slows down to conserve energy and limit further weight loss.
But this evolutionary adaptation works against you if you are overweight or obese, and excess weight is a bigger threat to your health than starvation.
If you watched The Biggest Loser on NBC, you may have heard about this. Researchers looked at the participants and found that many gained weight again after being on the show, because their now-lower metabolic rate was working against them.
For now, medical science doesn’t have a good solution to this problem — the best advice is still simply to eat reasonable portions of nutrient-rich whole foods, more of which should be plant-based than animal-based, and to get regular exercise. If you’re doing that and still not losing much, take heart and know that you’re normal and not alone. •••
Upcoming Events
The Racine Zoo Egg-Stravaganza will take place this Saturday, March 31. Enjoy games, activities, and treats, and pose for a photo with the Easter Bunny! More upcoming events here.
Internal Job Postings •••
- Residential Loan Specialist, Corporate, full time, 40 hours/week. Pay grade: N16. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: TODAY.
- Universal Banker, Bayshore, part time, 20 hours/week. Pay grade: N03. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: April 3.
- Customer Assistance Representative, Corporate, full time, 40 hours/week. Pay grade: N12. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: Ongoing.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to nsbcareersforyou.silkroad.com and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!