Nicole, Jaime, Nicole’s brother Franck as Seymour, Kelly (in back), Joline, and James on Friday night.
As in years past, last Friday night, North Shore Bank helped open up Candy Cane Lane in West Allis for visitors who wanted to take in the well-known holiday lights display.
“The night was awesome,” said Southwest branch manager Joline Lazarski, who has been heavily involved with the event, which will run through December 26 and collects donations for the MACC Fund, an organization that helps children with cancer. “We collected over $2,500 and the bank matched $1,000 of that.” She said the stream of cars was continuous from 6 to 9 p.m.

Beth and Kate, ready to guide Santa’s sleigh.
“It was a fun night with great weather,” Joline said. “A lot of walkers picked up North Shore Bank reindeer antlers, and there was lots of fun Christmas music to dance to.”
Employees who helped out at Candy Cane Lane include New Berlin teller Kelly Doucette, Wauwatosa teller supervisor Allison Gadbois, Franklin assistant branch manager–sales James Gottemoller, Wauwatosa teller Jessie Krajcir, Southwest teller supervisor Jaime Kraus, debit card, network, and process specialist Kate Madderom, Southwest teller Nicole Ndanda, and systems-process support specialist Beth Williams. Nicole’s brother Franck also played Seymour Savings, and Joline’s husband, Ray, helped out too.