Erica Hughes
Late last month, Milwaukee Capitol branch manager Erica Hughes and her team saved a longtime elderly customer from losing $7,000 to a scam — demonstrating exactly why it’s so important to know your customer and to be alert for suspicious activity.
The customer, Dorothy, came into the branch to withdraw the $7,000 in large bills. Teller LeShala Belcher notified Erica, as she’d need an override for a withdrawal of that size. When Erica came out to the line to learn more, Dorothy told her the money was for a home improvement project. But rather than taking a cashier’s check, she insisted on cash.
“That’s when the red flags went up,” Erica says. “It’s not safe for a 95-year-old woman to carry that much cash around.”
Because Erica has a long relationship with this customer, she knew Dorothy’s daughter and contacted her right away about the transaction, before releasing any money.
As it turned out, Dorothy had received a phone call saying that her granddaughter was in court and needed help — and that Dorothy should keep it a secret, but the granddaughter didn’t want her parents to know. Of course, as a call to the granddaughter quickly revealed, it was a scam.
Dorothy’s daughter called the bank later to express her gratitude for Erica’s handling of the situation.
“I’m feeling pretty good,” Erica says. “This kind of situation is exactly what we’re here for.”