Mandy, about to say yes.
McHenry assistant branch manager Mandy Crain got engaged over the holiday weekend at Richardson Christmas Tree Farm. It was Mandy’s and her boyfriend Chris’s 8-year-old son’s first time chopping down their own tree.
“Chris informed us that he wanted us to do the majority of the work to really enjoy the experience,” she said. “As I was sawing away, he asked if I was ready for a break yet and if I was going to leave any tree for our son to cut. I told him I would be up shortly, as I was determined, so I sawed a little more — and then he reached his hand out to me to help me up. As he helped me up to my feet, he dropped down to one knee and asked me to marry him.”
Bentley, Chris’s son, did end up finishing the job; you can see the tree above, behind Chris and to his right. “I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect and surprising proposal,” Mandy said. “I am still in shock and absolutely elated.”
We’re happy for you here in McHenry!
How exciting and romantic! Congratulations to you all!