With our float at the parade: branch manager Lacee Kalepp, universal banker Kim Balser, friend Megan and district operation specialist Jill Heule’s daughter Faith, teller Alyssa Taylor, friends Riley and Jayla, customer Todd P. as Seymour, friend Corinne, Lacee’s daughter Chloe, personal banker Tisha Kucukaslan, and district manager Kerri Collins. Jill’s husband Bryan (not pictured) pulled the float.
Northland employees participated in the 49th annual Downtown Appleton Christmas Parade on November 26 with a festive float. “It went really well,” teller Yasmin Hossain-Hudson said. “It was very chilly, and it started sprinkling at the beginning and kept on throughout most of the parade, but everyone kept a smile on their faces. We had envisioned a candy cane ‘forest,’ and the float maker came pretty close to what we had in mind, so we really felt in the midst of the holiday spirit.”