Shopping carts burn rubber in Race for the Hungry

District manager Kerri Collins (far left) oversees the start of the Menasha Race for the Hungry.
The 11th annual Race for the Hungry took place January 8 at the Menasha Piggly Wiggly, El Rey Foodmart, and Kenosha Festival Foods. Participants tore through the supermarket aisles, grabbing items to fill their local food pantries’ wish lists.
“The race was run at a record pace,” El Rey branch manager Alfredo Martin said of his store’s event. “It lasted about eight minutes, compared with over 11 minutes in previous years! The day was full of excitement and, more than anything else, a great feeling, knowing we were involved in a great event for a great cause.”

Racers prepare to kick things off at El Rey Foodmart.
The Menasha event benefited St. Joseph’s Food Program, El Rey’s was in support of the Milwaukee Christian Center food pantry, and the Kenosha event was for the Shalom Center. Winning racers received a $100 gift card, and the runners-up got $50 gift cards. •••
Brookfield Capitol gets into spirit for Packers game

Tellers Casey Kopacz and Lisa Gerwitz and teller supervisor Rosanne Pulvermacher in their green and gold.
Brookfield Capitol branch employees showed their support for the Green Bay Packers last Friday, January 20, ahead of the Wisconsin team’s NFC conference championship game against the San Francisco 49ers on Sunday. Sadly, the Niners won the day, beating the Packers 37-20, and will go on to face the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl LIV on February 2. •••
Every homeowner needs a HELOC for emergencies
If there’s one thing of which homeowners can be sure, it’s that owning a home comes with unexpected expenses — and that those expenses often come up at the most inopportune times. A roof leaks, a water heater blows, or the furnace fails on the coldest day of the year … or just in advance of when the in-laws are expected to arrive.
The good news for homeowners is that establishing a home equity line of credit means these challenging events don’t have to be made more stressful by uncertainty about how you’ll pay for them. When you secure a HELOC through North Shore Bank, you can rest assured that you have easy, immediate access to draw on the value of your home. Learn more about the value of a HELOC!
SOAR Together Tributes: December 2019
Last month’s winners of our Seymour Salutes awards are Dee Brown, Janet Russell, and Rising Stars Bret Gagliano, Anna Levine, and Roberta Strazishar. Read more about their achievements here!
New Hires for January 23
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
Data reporting specialist Adam Cary grew up in Greenbush and lives in Oak Creek. He previously worked as a PC analyst at Froedtert Hospital. He says, “My starting date at North Shore Bank was delayed nearly two months because I fell and broke my hip three days before my original scheduled start date in November.” Glad to finally have you with us, Adam — hope you’re feeling much better!
Investment consultant Andrew Eichel is from Franklin and previously worked for Vanguard. “In my free time, I like to spend time with my family and friends,” Andy says. “Among other things, I like to be outdoors, travel, and cheer on my home state teams! The Packers, Bucks, and Brewers are near and dear to my heart, even when I moved to Arizona for a couple of years!”
New Berlin teller supervisor Lauren Kinsella is originally from the Chicagoland area — “Go Blackhawks!” she says — and now lives in Pewaukee. She previously managed a Sprint store. “I am big into PC gaming and just started a new Dungeons & Dragons campaign with my roommates,” she says. “Currently, I am a level-three sorcerer, and this past summer I built my own computer. I enjoy many different types of games, but my favorites include The Sims 4, Planet Coaster, Oblivion, Skyrim, Arc, and Fallout 4.”
Customer assistance rep Daniel Slattery lives in West Allis and previously worked at Westbury Bank as a relationship banker. He also works part time at Skylight Music Theatre. “I have been acting locally for several years now and have performed at numerous theaters,” Danny says. “I tour Wisconsin and Illinois performing in Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding as Joey Vitale. I went to school for theater, so I’ve enjoyed it basically my whole life. I’ve always been an avid storyteller and enjoy entertaining others.” •••