District manager Kerri Collins (far left) oversees the start of the Menasha Race for the Hungry.
The 11th annual Race for the Hungry took place January 8 at the Menasha Piggly Wiggly, El Rey Foodmart, and Kenosha Festival Foods. Participants tore through the supermarket aisles, grabbing items to fill their local food pantries’ wish lists.
“The race was run at a record pace,” El Rey branch manager Alfredo Martin said of his store’s event. “It lasted about eight minutes, compared with over 11 minutes in previous years! The day was full of excitement and, more than anything else, a great feeling, knowing we were involved in a great event for a great cause.”

Racers prepare to kick things off at El Rey Foodmart.
The Menasha event benefited St. Joseph’s Food Program, El Rey’s was in support of the Milwaukee Christian Center food pantry, and the Kenosha event was for the Shalom Center. Winning racers received a $100 gift card, and the runners-up got $50 gift cards.