Roger’s aquatically outfitted cubicle.
Information Systems celebrated help desk manager Roger Arnesen’s birthday last month by decorating his cubicle while he was out of the office. However, the team took things a bit further than usual this time.
“Roger is an avid scuba diver, as well as a big fan of the ‘Baby Shark’ song that has become popular,” systems analyst Dan Fregoso explained. “So we turned his cubicle into a shark tank!”

The king of the seas himself.
“It was like ‘wow’ — a big surprise,” Roger said of discovering his new decor. “Some early mornings, I do share the ‘Baby Shark’ song with the team.”
Help desk/telecom tech Pam Bradley, help desk tech Brandon McCullough, systems analyst Bryan Peters, and senior infrastructure specialist Wendy Repka receive most of the credit for the decorations, with support from the rest of the department.