Party attendees at Camp Bar. Front row: floating universal banker Joshua Sales’s wife Alyssa, Bayshore personal banker Rhonda Mckinnie, Shorewood assistant branch manager Kenya Owens, floating universal banker Tracee Born, teller Micki Usama, and universal banker Razalyn Brock. Back row: help desk technician Brandon McCullough, Fox Point universal banker Gabe Apostol, Wauwatosa personal banker Michelle Escalante, Shorewood personal banker Laura De Bruin, Joshua Sales, teller Audrey Elliott, teller supervisor David Holada, Southwest personal banker Shannan Mahloch, New Berlin teller Kelly Doucette, and Shannon Weber.
The Shorewood team celebrated the winter holidays at Camp Bar, a business customer of the branch. “We decided to ask many colleagues at the bank who have helped us throughout this last year to join the holiday celebration,” branch manager Shannon Weber said. “We were so happy to see how many were able to join us.”