Boyfriend Mike and Dawn, in ISB shirts, along with FISH directory Paula and a volunteer, getting lunch ready for the pantry.
Traveling universal banker Dawn Conley visited the FISH of McHenry Food Pantry late last month as part of our Bank on Kindness initiative, dropping off a donation check and lunch for 25 workers and volunteers.
“This was a little bit of a challenge because of the COVID-19 issues, but all participants were willing and able!” Dawn said.
She added that watching the pantry in operation was really something.
“It was amazing — they were so organized,” Dawn said. “It’s basically a small store to assist families with canned, boxed, and dry foods, soaps, toiletries, paper products, and other necessities they may need while in a financial crisis. It was really heartwarming to see all the volunteers — especially since some of them are in a high-risk group for COVID themselves, but still volunteer their time to assist others.”