Cathy and Lisa with Jim Wuerker when he came into Northside to pick up quarters for his laundromat.
Some nice news from Northside: The branch had an abundance of quarters thanks to North Shore Bank’s free coin-counting promotion, so when assistant branch manager Cathy Straka read in the Journal Times that the nationwide coin shortage was causing trouble for local business Quarry Laundromat, she reached out to owner Jim Wuerker.
Quarry is not a North Shore Bank customer, but “we are here for everyone,” said branch manager Lisa Brooks. When Cathy offered to stock him up on quarters, Jim said he was almost ready to cry because he was so appreciative.
He even contacted the Journal Times again to let the paper know that North Shore Bank and other members of the community had stepped up to help. In a story published yesterday, he said again that tears came to his eyes when he got the call.
“Due to COVID, we kept a distance when he came in, but he said if he could, he would hug us all,” Lisa said. “He said we have the right idea as a bank about how to really care for people in the community.”
THIS IS SO AMAZING GUYS!!! Perfect example of a why we are a community bank!
What an awesome story! Great job, Lisa and team.
This is awesome, thank you! And Northside looks GREAT after the remodel!