The care packages and their contents.
Here’s the latest update on our Bank on Kindness initiative to spread joy throughout the community while supporting local businesses.
AVP and area branch manager Carolyn Lancour deployed a portion of Bank on Kindness funds to help the St. Vincent de Paul Society put together care packages for the homeless. “I asked the team for some ideas, and Cudahy teller Samantha Bradford wanted to do something for the homeless around the holidays,” Carolyn said. “She worked with Peggy from SVDP on what that would look like, and then took time to put these together and get them delivered.”

Jackson Park assistant branch manager Claudia Romo-Verdin (left) and Alfredo with a customer at El Rey Foodmart.
El Rey and Jackson Park area branch manager Alfredo Martin and his teams helped customers at El Rey Foodmart by sharing Bank on Kindness funds they could use to buy groceries.

One of the photos of happy Germantown educators.
And grateful Germantown educators shared photos to thank branch manager Erica Hughes and her team for their gift of treats from the Nutman Company. The school district posted several photos of teachers with the treats on its Facebook page, along with a shout-out to North Shore Bank.