Shorewood adjusts to let Santa visit Winterfest

Santa waves from the fire truck.
The village of Shorewood’s annual Winterfest event was a little different this year, thanks to COVID-19. “Whether it would happen or not was iffy,” said Shorewood branch manager Shannon Weber, a member of the Shorewood Business Improvement District’s board. “Santa was canceled at first, because we did not want kids sitting on his lap.”
But then Shannon offered an outside-the-box solution: What if Santa showed up in a fire truck, just to say hi? And that workaround was approved, much to the delight of the village’s children and parents.

Shorewood personal banker Laura De Bruin poses with the Winterfest tree.
“Attendance was a bit smaller this year, compared to years past, but it didn’t keep those who attended from enjoying a little holiday cheer,” Shannon reported. “I’m just so happy Winterfest happened!” •••
Bankers continue spreading love for Bank on Kindness

The care packages and their contents.
Here’s the latest update on our Bank on Kindness initiative to spread joy throughout the community while supporting local businesses.
AVP and area branch manager Carolyn Lancour deployed a portion of Bank on Kindness funds to help the St. Vincent de Paul Society put together care packages for the homeless. “I asked the team for some ideas, and Cudahy teller Samantha Bradford wanted to do something for the homeless around the holidays,” Carolyn said. “She worked with Peggy from SVDP on what that would look like, and then took time to put these together and get them delivered.”

Jackson Park assistant branch manager Claudia Romo-Verdin (left) and Alfredo with a customer at El Rey Foodmart.
El Rey and Jackson Park area branch manager Alfredo Martin and his teams helped customers at El Rey Foodmart by sharing Bank on Kindness funds they could use to buy groceries.

One of the photos of happy Germantown educators.
And grateful Germantown educators shared photos to thank branch manager Erica Hughes and her team for their gift of treats from the Nutman Company. The school district posted several photos of teachers with the treats on its Facebook page, along with a shout-out to North Shore Bank. •••
NSB raises $1,100 to honor teacher who died of covid

Howard-Suamico assistant branch manager Emmeline Knight-Guzman, Katie, Nicole Smith of the Howard Suamico Education Foundation, and district manager Kerri Collins with a big check for the Heidi Hussli Memorial Fund.
Our northeast branches raised $1,100 in November for the Howard-Suamico Education Foundation’s Heidi Hussli Memorial Fund, which honors a 47-year-old Bay Port German teacher who died of COVID-19 in September.
Hussli’s husband, Amir Nouri, emailed the bank to share his appreciation. He wrote: “You guys are so amazing and I am sure Heidi will be the happiest to see all these funds helping her students to travel to Germany. I wish she was here to see it, but she definitely is watching all this. Please say thanks to all North Shore Bank teams and everyone who was involved in raising these funds.”
“It has been rewarding and an honor to help support this important initiative in the community, and to see the positive impact it’s had on the family who experienced such a loss,” area branch manager Katie Presser said. Many thanks to everybody who helped make this happen! •••
ABA recognizes bank, Martin for serving community

Alfredo, president and COO Jay McKenna, and SVP retail banking Sue Doyle with the certificate of recognition.
Earlier this month, the American Bankers Association Foundation recognized North Shore Bank with an honorable mention for its 2020 Community Commitment Awards, thanks to our work serving the Milwaukee area’s Latino community.
These national awards recognize how banks contribute to economic growth, community development, and enhancing the quality of life in their communities. We were the only bank to receive such recognition in southeastern Wisconsin this year.
Area branch manager Alfredo Martin also received a certificate of recognition for the annual George Bailey Distinguished Service Award, which goes to a non-CEO bank employee who demonstrates outstanding initiative, performs highly effective work, and inspires others. Alfredo has led the bank’s Latino commitment efforts. Congratulations to Alfredo and the bank, and thank you to all of our employees for helping serve our communities. •••
Mindful Minute: Rather than goals, aim for growth
Your Zen minute: We spend so much of our lives on autopilot, it can be easy to never notice that some of the beliefs we take for granted might need adjustment. Part of mindfulness is stopping and noticing when that’s the case, so that we can live a life grounded in reality.
For Week 3 of our “Attitude for Gratitude” challenge, we’ll talk about growth setting versus goal setting. Pat Ingelse has more here!
Need a last-minute gift? Try this!
With just a week to go, do you have all your Christmas shopping done? If you need a last-minute gift that everyone can use, don’t forget that North Shore Bank gift cards are available with no purchase fee through the end of the year. These cards can be spent anywhere Mastercard is accepted, and you can choose the dollar amount of the gift. Pick up some yourself from the closest branch, and remind your friends, family, and customers about North Shore Bank gift cards too. Curbside pickup is available — just call. Happy giving! •••
Service Anniversaries for December 2020
The following employees celebrate a milestone anniversary with North Shore Bank this month.
5 years
Lisa Gagliardi, Video Teller
Michael Meyer, Regional Account Manager
Ashley Singstock, Personal Banker, Kenosha Main
Kathleen Veu, Video Teller
Leave a comment to congratulate them!
New Hires for December 17
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
West Allis teller Andrea Bahena is from Saint Francis and previously worked for Paradies Lagardère at General Mitchell International Airport, working at gift shops throughout the concourses. She enjoys playing video games and streams her games when she’s not working. “I’ve played since I was little and have been stuck on them ever since!” Andrea says. “My all-time favorite is Donkey Kong 64, and the game I’m currently immersed in is Apex Legends.”
Caroline Jorgensen, regional account manager in Indirect Lending, is from Detroit and previously worked as an area sales manager for Global Lending Services. “I love vacationing by the beach or ocean and exploring sea caves and the beauty of our earth and all it has to offer,” she says. “The best beaches I’ve explored are Laguna Beach and 1,000 Steps Beach — there is a cave you can go through at low tide to see two secret tide pools. It’s paradise.”
Brookfield Capitol personal banker Sophia Nuckols is originally from Minster, Ohio, and moved to Milwaukee in 2013. She, her husband, and their 1-year-old daughter now live in Waukesha. She was previously part of the Milwaukee private banking team at Johnson Financial Group. “I design greeting cards in my free time,” Sophia says. “The pressure is definitely on to get my Christmas cards done in time!”
And Jim Swenson, also a regional account manager in Indirect Lending, is originally from Minnesota, but has lived in Wisconsin since 1990. He previously worked as an account manager for Credit Acceptance. “I have been in and around the retail automotive business since 1997,” he says. He adds: “I have also driven a car in a demolition derby. While I didn’t win, it was a blast. It was like being in 15 car accidents in about five minutes. Crossed that one off the bucket list, so probably wouldn’t do it again!” •••