You still use phrases from Shakespeare 400 years ago
In recognition of his late-April birth,* district manager Cristen Baumann sent in this collection of phrases still commonly used today that were coined and popularized over 400 years ago by William Shakespeare.
A 20-year-old woman in London originally collected the phrases in her Moleskine notebook and posted a picture of the notebook page on her Tumblr blog in 2011. The quotes have been shared in various formats ever since.
*The English playwright died in late April, too. Cruel month. •••
Bauer brings over 25 years of experience to VP role
Banking industry veteran Craig Bauer recently joined North Shore Bank as a vice president of commercial banking. Craig has worked in banking for over 25 years, starting as a teller and eventually managing branches, and then moving to commercial lending after going through training with Norwest/Wells Fargo.
He is no stranger to the region — he grew up in Deerfield, Illinois, just south of the Wisconsin border. He has lived in Cedarburg since 1998.
“I’ve been with community banks for over 15 years in the Milwaukee area,” Craig says. “I was attracted to North Shore Bank because of our ability here to combine the high-touch community-banking philosophy with a breadth of product to address customers’ needs.” Read more about Craig and what he brings to the bank now!
New Berlin offers grandma, kids shelter from storm

The thank-you from Ryder and his sister.
Last week, when a sudden storm of snow and hail hit New Berlin, it left a grandmother, her grandson and granddaughter, and their dog caught with their bikes under a tree in front of the town’s North Shore Bank branch.
“The weather didn’t look to be letting up any time soon, so we offered them socially distanced shelter inside our conference room while the storm blew over,” branch manager Sara Swosinski said, adding that universal banker Ava Howland also literally ran after the little boy’s bike helmet when it blew away across the parking lot.
The kids colored, had suckers, and warmed up until the sun came out and the hail stopped. And after they were safely home, they baked cookies for the branch team and sent them along with a cute handmade thank-you note. Sara said, “I think we won over some future customers who will have a great story to share with their friends and neighbors about North Shore Bank’s kindness during a turbulent time!” •••
Germantown branch, library hold piggy bank giveaway
The Germantown branch partnered with the Germantown Community Library earlier this month with a piggy bank giveaway for the village’s celebration of Money Smart Week. “We are happy to be working with the local library to promote savings and learning about money management starting at a young age,” branch manager Erica Hughes said. •••
“For the Love of Animals” set as campaign for May
Tomorrow, North Shore Bank will formally announce our next Bank on Kindness initiative — “For the Love of Animals,” a campaign aimed at driving donations for local animal-focused nonprofits. Throughout the month of May, members of the public will be able to donate to the Wisconsin zoo or humane society of their choice through an online portal created and maintained by North Shore Bank. The bank will match all donations up to $500 to each nonprofit.
The nonprofits receiving donations include: the Door County Humane Society, Elmbrook Humane Society, Green Bay Humane Society, Ozaukee Humane Society, Racine Humane Society, Safe Harbor Humane Society in Kenosha, Washington County Humane Society, Wisconsin Humane Society in Milwaukee, the Milwaukee County Zoo, NEW Zoo & Adventure Park in Green Bay, and the Racine Zoo.
We’ll have more information about For the Love of Animals events in the days and weeks to come, so stay tuned, animal lovers! •••
Pause, imagine channeling good intentions into action
Good intentions don’t create change — we have to change our thought process while taking positive action. We need to create a cycle where thought, word, and action all move in the same direction.
Try this meditation for one minute every day, or longer if you want to:
I TAKE MY GOOD INTENTIONS and channel them into positive action. As good thoughts become good actions, the deepest intentions of my heart become reality.
This meditation was adapted from A Mindful Day: 365 Ways to Live Life With Peace, Clarity, and an Open Heart, by David Dillard-Wright. How did it go for you? Share your thoughts and feelings in Shorelines and you’ll be entered to win a copy of the book! —Pat Ingelse, AVP and PMP
If you would like a FREE daily email reminder to do one minute of mindfulness, email us with the subject line “Mindfulness reminder.” •••
Advocate Aurora offers help with summer child care
If you’re like a lot of parents in the age of COVID-19, you’re ready for a break — and your kids probably are too! The Advocate Aurora Employee Assistance Program offers help finding summer camps and child care options that are customized to your needs. The EAP can also provide literature packets on suggested family activities and summer planning, and help finding tutors for children of all ages and exploring scholarship opportunities for older teens.
You can enter a child care request online, access other EAP online family resources, or call the EAP at 800-236-3231. Advocate Aurora EAP offers free, confidential assistance for you and your household family members. •••
Sugar affects mental health, not just your waist
Excessive sugar consumption has long been considered the enemy by doctors, dietitians, and other healthcare professionals — and that’s not changing, as research increasingly shows that along with your body shape, too much sugar can also have serious negative impacts on our mental health. As an article in UMR’s Healthy You magazine puts it:
Simple sugars cause a sharp spike in blood sugar, making a positive impact on our feelings. But after that peak comes an equally sharp drop in blood glucose levels, which can dramatically affect the mind and body. These peaks and drops in blood glucose can cause irritability and mood swings as your body tries to restore its natural balance.
Noting links between sugar and depression and anxiety, the article adds that sugar also affects our moods by affecting hormone and insulin levels and by causing systemic inflammation throughout our bodies. The article offers some great information about how to break your sugar habit — you can read it as a PDF here! •••