Deb Cumming, Menasha universal banker Ashley White and daughter Tessa, Green Bay East assistant branch manager Kari Tuyls and son Max, and members of Girl Scout Troop 2032 show off this year’s North Shore Bank float. Photo by Wylee Meinhardt.
It was a banner year for both the Appleton Flag Day Parade and North Shore Bank, as we participated in the venerable event for the 30th year.
June 12 marked the 70th annual appearance of the parade, which has the distinction of being the United States’ oldest Flag Day parade. Flag Day, officially celebrated every year on June 14, commemorates the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the American flag in 1777.
The theme of this year’s Appleton parade was “Home of the Brave: Honoring Frontline Workers.” While the parade typically honors a branch of the military, this year it also recognized the challenges and achievements of healthcare workers, police, emergency personnel, and other local heroes who have gone above and beyond throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year’s parade was canceled, along with most other large gatherings, because of the virus.
As in years past, North Shore Bank employees and family members rode on a float in the parade, joined by members of Girl Scout Troop 2032. Our float won the Patriot Award, which honors past and longtime parade committee members.
Our floats are built each year by Mark Klemme of Klemme Floats in Wauwatosa, said Northland teller supervisor Patt Kox, who often helps develop the design concept with him.
“I take what the parade committee sends me as a theme and maybe come up with a bit of an idea and send it off to Mark,” she said. “And then he’ll tell me what he’s come up with. Usually, he has so many good ideas, because he’s done so many of these.”
The bank has won six awards for our floats over the past 30 years, including this year’s award. We won the Grand Marshal Award in 2006, the Mayor’s Choice Award in 2009, and the John Bradley Memorial Award for the most patriotic entry in 2011. We also won the Patriot Award in 2018 and 2019.
“We have always felt that people have an important place in the float design, so we have been lucky to have employees and kids ride and walk along with the float,” Patt said.

Deb speaks to Fox 11.
“It was a beautiful day for a parade, and everyone was so happy to be there!” personal banker Wylee Meinhardt said.
Fox 11 News interviewed Menasha branch manager Deb Cumming about the bank’s longtime participation in the parade. “It’s very exciting to be a part of that,” she told them.
If you missed the 2021 Appleton Flag Day Parade, it is streaming on WeAreGreenBay.com. It will also be aired again on local CBS affiliate WFRV this Sunday at 11 a.m.