The customer sent this photo to Greg and Shannon as well. “A picture of those you inadvertently helped along with me: my five grandchildren, who have their grandma back, much less preoccupied and much more present to them.”
Earlier this month, we shared the story of how mortgage loan officer Greg Kroll and Shorewood area branch manager Shannon Weber helped a customer desperate to get a handle on her debt payments. Last week, the customer emailed them to express her deep appreciation once again:
I am really not sure how I can thank both of you for all that you have helped me with over the last few months. As I told you, I was in a very dark place, unable to face up to the mess I found myself in, entirely of my own doing and due to my fear of facing up to reality and reluctance to ask for help to attempt to mitigate the situation.
As I said before, this really was a pivotal point for me as I knew I had to promptly reach out. It was then that an email from Shannon invited me to stop in to talk about seeking a better interest rate. It could not have come at a better time and could not have been a message that felt so cordial and so clearly an honest offer of help. Messaging like that is a very specific art and has a powerful effect on the reader.
From there I was given time to talk and process possible avenues to take. I was shown respect at every turn. I felt “heard” and you can’t possibly know how rare that has been in the history of my encounters with banks and financial matters. At this point Shannon helped me understand how Greg might be able to help to fashion some kind of solution that would be viable. Again, my fears cropped up at the idea of adding another person to hear my embarrassing story.
I could not have been more mistaken. Now I was guided through the possible steps to some resolution. I was given time and never talked down to, despite my very steep learning curve which always kept me wary of interactions with “bank people.” We negotiated some winding paths and tardy delivery of documents … but now I find myself on the day before the CLOSING — a word which always sounded to me like some form of medieval torture. Far from this previous perception, I look forward to resolving this and moving on. I know that there will continue to be challenges but I have more confidence that I will be able to navigate solutions.
I know that I can be overdramatic about things … always have been. I just have to say that all of this generosity of spirit and compassion has changed something in me. I was, as I have said, in a very dark place. You two came into my life and offered me hope. No matter how I think of this I can’t accept that it was simply a matter of chance. As in It’s a Wonderful Life, you two were, together, my Clarence. I was shown GRACE and will not forget it.
And district manager Cristen Baumann ran into a customer at MLK Drive who couldn’t say enough nice things about the branch. Cristen wrote to the team:
I had the great pleasure of speaking to Mrs. Smith in the branch and outside on Friday. She is the sweetest lady and loves you all! She told me about 20 times!
She shared that she has been with the bank for 30 years and has never had a bad experience. MLK is the best branch, hands down! Mrs. Smith said she feels like it’s family when she visits.
Great job on helping Mrs. Smith with her financial goals and also welcoming her warmly and kindly. Have an awesome day!
Excellent work, everybody! Let’s keep it up as we head into autumn.